The infrastructure that powers the Alastria Blockchain Network
Code Examples for getting a Microsoft Translator access token from the Azure Platform
Collaborative Collection of C++ Best Practices. This online resource is part of Jason Turner's collection of C++ Best Practices resources. See for more information.
Control the fans of every Intel Mac to make it run cooler
BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap v4 for Vue.js. With extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
Entire page Screenshot extension for Google Chrome. I'm developing open source extension for Google Chrome. All extension are free for use. Let's make Chrome great again!
Converts CSS styles into inline style attributes in your HTML code.
A Jquery gallery featuring CSS3 hardware accelerated pan-and-zoom, Ken Burns style transitions.
Android ImageViews animated by Ken Burns Effect
Python-based tools for document analysis and OCR
Touch swipe image slider/slideshow/gallery/carousel/banner mobile responsive bootstrap