- Montréal, Canada
- http://grozeille.fr
Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper
A Stack Overflow clone for teams (self-hosted or hosted)
Yeoman generator for creating catalog template for Rancher
Hadoop-Unit is a project which allow testing projects which need hadoop ecosysteme like kafka, solr, hdfs, hive, hbase, ...
Ambari stack service for easily installing and managing Hue on HDP cluster
JodaTime serialization with Protobuf using Protostuff, compatible with ProtoBuf-Net
Simple demo showing Nancy hosted in Kayak and serving a Razor view
grozeille / MefContrib
Forked from MefContrib/MefContribUser contributed extensions for the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
For software engineers who want to build flexible, extensible and maintainable software systems, bbv.Common is an open source library of software components that makes building multi-threaded, even…
Example of using CoffeeScript in .NET using Jurassic