A free discussion forum website meant for students
**Please Install node and express for running the web app as I was facing problem in adding the node modules to the repository
Tech used in building the web app: HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJs, ExpressJs
What it does: The website is divided in 3 webpages (+ 1 feedback form). These are the home page, details page(which are just some html,css docs) and the functional page i.e the posts page. the posts page is where one can view the posts of users on the forum and also add comments to them. Heres a short video reporesentation of the website i built: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oFicz7KsIejTD21XmLTpa6eLX3pX_Z0l/view?usp=sharing
Scopes of improvement: Adding a like/upvote comment feature, using database to store the posts and comments, an authentication/login system etc.