This is the Hack Assembler from the nand2tetris. It was written in standard C++. This is has it's own parser and doesn't use REGEX. It does two passes, first time to get all labels and second time to generate machine code. Planning to release version 2 which does this in single pass. Tried my best to make it as modular as possible and maybe soon will be updating with a more structured and modern c++ version.
The commits are bit messy and the code is not commented. So if you are reading the code good luck with it ;
g++ src/Assembler.cpp src/Parser.cpp src/SymbolTable.cpp src/util.cpp src/CodeGenerator.cpp -Iinclude/ -o HackAssmbler
Output file name will be same as input file name if ommited.
g++ tests/main_test.cpp src/Parser.cpp src/SymbolTable.cpp src/util.cpp src/CodeGenerator.cpp -Iinclude/ -o TestAssembler
./TestAssembler FILE_NAME.asm
Make sure that the compare file is the same name as file_name but with hack extenstion to generate this file use the Assembler provided in toolsuite.
make test
Suggestions are always welcomed :)