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Create a shortened URL from an original URL and retrieve an original URL from a shortened URL.

Domain Name & Port

Due to the lack of a domain name, the following IP address and port number are required to use ShortULR API.

Accepted Methods

Method Description
GET Fetches data including both URLs; based on short URL
POST Fetches data including both URLs; based on original URL

Content-Type Header

CURL and Python Requests library do not require passing of the Content-Type header.

For AJAX, one of the following Content-Type headers must be used:

  • 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • 'Content-Type: text/plain'

Note: you will need to pass along valid JSON data with them as well. Please see example below.

URI structure

ShortURL API follows REST standards by letting the HTTP method passed to it determine what action the API needs to take. Make sure to pass the correct URL version (<SHORT_URL> or <ORIGINAL_URL>) with the chosen action.

GET format:<SHORT_URL>


Success Response

A successful response will yield a standard HTTP status code along with the following data in JSON format for both GET and POST:

HTTP status code


  • short_url - This is the shortened URL created by the ShortURL API
  • original_url - This is the original URL given to the ShortURL API
  • created - This is the date the short_url was created (format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
  • status - Tells if the request is OK, MODIFIED, or an ERROR


  • HTTP status code: 200
    'short_url': '',
    'original_url': '',
    'created': '2017-01-05 02:57:10.366',
    'status': 'OK'

Error Response

An error response will yield a standard HTTP status code along with the following data in JSON format for both GET and POST:

HTTP status code


  • code - This is the HTTP status code
  • error - This is the message passed back (details in Error Codes section below)
  • status - Tells if the request is OK, MODIFIED, or an ERROR


  • HTTP status code: 400
    'code': 400,
    'status': 'ERROR'

Status Codes

  • OK - Everything is "a ok"
  • MODIFIED - Something in the URL was modified for security (certain characters to HTML-safe sequences)
  • ERROR - There was an error so processing was stopped (includes description for free)

Error Codes

Error HTTP Status Code Description
ERROR_SHORT_URL_MALFORMED 400 The short_url parameter value is not complete (or malformed in some way)
ERROR_INCORRECT_OR_MISSING_PARAM 400 Missing the parameter value or the entire parameter altogether
ERROR_URL_DATA_NOT_PROCESSED 400 Could not process original_url
ERROR_ORIGINAL_URL_NOT_FOUND 404 Could not find data based on given short_url
ERROR_URL_DATA_NOT_FOUND 404 Could not find data even though it should be there (internal error)

If you pass in an incorrect base URL, then you will only receive an HTTP status code (no JSON Error).

HTTP Status Code Description
404 Missing both version number and basename (e.g. missing /shorturl/v1/)
404 Missing version number (e.g. missing /v1/) or basename (e.g. missing /shorturl/)
405 Method not allowed (see Accepted Methods above)

Sample Calls


  • Successful GET
$ curl ""
{"created": "2017-01-08 05:20:15.320", "original_url": "", "status": "OK", "short_url": ""}
  • Successful GET (with multiple params in original_url)
    • Note: If you use the standard -d command, CURL will strip everything after the & so be sure to use the --data-urlencode option instead.
$ curl --data-urlencode "original_url="
  • Successful POST
$ curl -d "original_url="string/?param=testing&another=yep'})
{"created": "2017-01-08 07:33:07.094", "original_url": "", "status": "OK", "short_url": ""}

Python Requests Library

    >>> import requests
    >>> s = requests.Session()
  • Successful GET
>>> r = s.get('', params={'short_url': ''})
>>> r.status_code, r.json()
(200, {'created': '2017-01-08 05:20:15.320', 'short_url': '', 'original_url': '', 'status': 'OK'})
  • Successful POST
>>> r ='', params={'original_url': ''})
>>> r.status_code, r.json()
(200, {'created': '2017-01-08 07:57:35.655', 'short_url': '', 'original_url': '', 'status': 'OK'})
  • Failed GET/POST (POST shown. missing shorturl in URI)
    • Note: r.text used here instead of r.json() - avoids json decoding error
>>> r ='', params={'original_url': ''})
>>> r.status_code, r.text
(404, '')
  • Failed POST (incorrect <original_url>)
>>> r ='', params={'original_url': ''})
>>> r.status_code, r.json()
(400, {'error': 'ERROR_INCORRECT_OR_MISSING_PARAM', 'code': 400, 'status': 'ERROR'})
  • Failed GET (incorrect <short_url>)
>>> r = s.get('', params={})
>>> r.status_code, r.json()
(400, {'error': 'ERROR_INCORRECT_OR_MISSING_PARAM', 'code': 400, 'status': 'ERROR'})

AJAX (jQuery)

  • POST
jQuery( function($) {
    params = {'original_url': ''}
    json_params = JSON.stringify(params)
        url: '',
        type: 'POST',
        contentType: 'application/json',  // contentType must be supplied (see above)
        data: json_params  // must supply valid JSON
    }).done(function(data) {
        // do stuff
    }).fail(function(jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown) {
        // do stuff
  • GET
jQuery( function($) {
    params = {'short_url': ''}
    json_params = JSON.stringify(params)
        url: '',
        type: 'GET',
        contentType: 'text/plain',  // contentType must be supplied (see above)
        data: json_params  // must supply valid JSON
    }).done(function(data) {
        // do stuff
    }).fail(function(jqXHR, statusText, errorThrown) {
        // do stuff

Rate Limited

The ShortURL API is currently rate limited to two (2) requests per second.


  • Add unit testing
  • Add a front-end website for the ShortURL API
  • Add Analytics
    • Add API keys for tracking purposes - if Oauth1.0a will be a while
    • Add authorization via Oauth1.0a - TBD


Code challenge for GBDX






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