A handbill type flayer which contains as much neatly presented data as possible on the reasons folks are angry at american policing. The concept is that it can be printed and distributed to folks confused about the issues raised by protesters, it's also a convenient format for digital dissemination on FB/instagram/etc.
Issues highlighted can include, for example things from this ever expanding list:
- Racial disparities in police killings.
- Racial disparities in police contacts.
- Racial disparities in incarceration.
- International comparisons in incarceration.
- Budget vs. crime rate.
- Budget vs. police contacts.
- Budget vs. police violence.
- Education budgets vs. police budgets.
- Mental health-care budgets vs. police budgets.
- How many fucking tanks these fuckers have.
The Stanford Open Policing Project
Data on contacts, traffic and pedestrian stops. Direct from departments.
Data on police killings, has race data, it seems only deaths not general use of force. Crowdsourced.
Data on police killings. Crowdsourced.
I believe this is the database used for the Fatal Encounters data.
National crime rates from 1995-2019, surprisingly poorly organized but quite rich. Also contains information about number of police employees by location.
Clunky but exhaustive demographics data.
Urban Institute State and Local Finance Data
Just what it sounds like, has info on education, and police budgets, along with a lot more.