A taxi booking app, in the same vain as Uber.
Dependencies used are:
- Node.js v18.0.0
- React-native
- React-native-elements
- React-native-vector-icons
- React-navigation
- React-native-screens
- React-native-maps-directions
- React-native-dotenv
- Expo
- React-redux
- twrnc (Tailwind react native classes)
- Google Maps API
- Google Places API
- Google Distance Matrix API
- React-native-toast-message
- React-native-community/netinfo
To run this app locally on your machine, pull down this repo and run
npm install
After dependencies have installed run the following command to run the app:
npx expo start
If you recieve an error message such as; This is taking much longer than it should
, run expo in tunnel connection mode via the command;
npx expo start --tunnel
and download the relevant npm module, when pormpted; @expo/ngrok@^4.1.0