- Getting started with Self Sovereign Identity SSI
- Create an OIDC credential Issuer with MATTR and ASP.NET Core
- Present and Verify Verifiable Credentials in ASP.NET Core using Decentralized Identities and MATTR
- Get an account from MATTR (see MATTR docs)
- Add the secrets to your configuration
- Initialize your database
- Install a MATTR Wallet on your phone
- start application
- Install ngrok for the verifier application (npm)
- Add the secrets to your configuration
- Initialize your database
- Start application using for example http://localhost:5000
- Start ngrok using ngrok http http://localhost:5000 (like above)
- Copy the DID for the OIDC Issuer Credentials from the NationalDrivingLicense UI
- Create a presentation template in the BoInsurance (Use copied DID)
- Verify using the wallet and the application
// use user secrets
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "--your-connection-string--"
"MattrConfiguration": {
"Audience": "https://vii.mattr.global",
"ClientId": "--your-client-id--",
"ClientSecret": "--your-client-secret--",
"TenantId": "--your-tenant--",
"TenantSubdomain": "--your-tenant-sub-domain--",
"Url": "http://mattr-prod.au.auth0.com/oauth/token"
"Auth0": {
"Domain": "--your-auth0-domain",
"ClientId": "--your--auth0-client-id--",
"ClientSecret": "--your-auth0-client-secret--",
"Auth0Wallet": {
"Domain": "--your-auth0-wallet-domain",
"ClientId": "--your--auth0-wallet-client-id--",
"ClientSecret": "--your-auth0-wallet-client-secret--",
2021-05-09 Updated packages, code clean up, improved random
dotnet ef migrations add ndl_init
Add-Migration "ndl_init"
dotnet restore
dotnet ef database update --context NationalDrivingLicenseMattrContext
In order to obtain a Credential on the mobile wallet you will need to use the OIDC Bridge, so try following this tutorial.
At the end of the tutorial you will have a client-bound Credential stored on the mobile wallet. You can then move to Verify a Credential tutorials, first setup a Presentation Template:
Then you can setup your tenant to run the Verify flow, a quick way of doing that is to use a Sample App to orchestrate a number of steps:
Note: because you just have the 1 sandbox tenant, you will be issuing credentials and verifying them through the same instance, but Issuer and Verifier could easily be separate tenants on our platform or indeed any other interoperable platform.
ngrok http http://localhost:5000