Analyze .har files.
More screenshots can be found here.
This project is part of the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID) of University of Patras Web Programming & Systems course. It features a website that filters and analyzes .har files. In more detail, a user can create an account and choose a .har file from their local machine. After that, the website filters the chosen file and presents the user with two options, download the new filtered file on their local machine and/or upload it to their profile. If the user chooses to upload the file on their profile, they have the ability to see the server locations of the requested websites on a heatmap (based on the uploaded files). Additionally, a user with admin privileges can have access to more information about all the .har files uploaded on the database (number of users, number of distinct ISPs, etc).
The project was built with the MERN Stack.
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps.
- Node.js
- npm
- MongoDB
For more information on how to install Node.js and npm, visit Node.js website.
For more information on how to install MongoDB, visit MongoDB website.
Get a free Access Token at mapbox.
Setup a local database. More information in MongoDB website.
Clone the repo.
git clone
Change directory to server.
Install npm packages.
npm install
Set the environmental variables in .env file.
MONGODB_URI = '<MONGODB_URI>' PORT = <port_number> SECRET = '<secret_key_for_token>'
Start the server.
npm run dev
Change directory to client.
Install npm packages.
npm install
Set the environmental variables in .env file.
REACT_APP_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN = '<mapbox_api_key>' REACT_APP_IP_ADDRESS = '<your_public_ip>'
Start react app.
npm start
In order to use the app, visit http://localhost:3000/.
Start by creating a user and then upload a .har file.