44FE 23DB 362F 611C 0CC3 116B D49B 113D 48DC 370E
- New York
- http://guan.dk/
Databricks’ Dolly, a large language model trained on the Databricks Machine Learning Platform
Social media bot that posts personalized license plate applications the California DMV received
Config files for full Lichee Pi Nano Linux image build
General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
Board and connector definition files for nMigen
A refreshed Python toolbox for building complex digital hardware. See https://gitlab.com/nmigen/nmigen
A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
Custom firmware for the HackRF SDR + PortaPack H1 addon
NDEF Library for Arduino. Read and Write NDEF Messages to NFC tags with Arduino.
This repository contains notes and code samples from a Bluetooth LE doc-a-thon held at ITP in June 2014
Portable nrf24L01+ library with auto acknowledgement and auto retransmission support.
Source code for ARM side libraries for interfacing to Raspberry Pi GPU.
A guide for styling your node.js / JavaScript code. Fork & adjust to your taste.
DS3930 Hex Digital Potentiometer Breakout Board
guanix / Marlin
Forked from MarlinFirmware/MarlinReprap FW with look ahead. SDcard and LCD support. It works on Gen6, Ultimaker, RAMPS and Sanguinololu
A running-jumping-swordfighting game I made on the Apple II from 1985-89
Arduino library for the Nordic nRF8001 Bluetooth Low Energy chip
Breakout Board for the nRF8001. A Bluetooth 4 Low Energy IC.
guanix / node-irc
Forked from martynsmith/node-ircNodeJS IRC client library
guanix / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.