cd payubrazil
composer update
Copy payubrazil
folder to craft/plugins
Configure the payment methods
To charge via creditcard - you need to send these values with the payment form:
paymentMethod = card-brand
token = Generated using Payu javascript library
installments = 1 to 12
holderDocumentNumber = 123.456.789-06 // CPF
valid card-brands : 'VISA', 'MASTERCARD', 'AMEX', 'ELO', 'HIPERCARD', 'DINERS'
To charge via boleto - you need to send these values with the payment form:
paymentMethod = BOLETO_BANCARIO
Boleto expires in boletoDaysToExpire
days. boletoDaysToExpire
is defined via the payment method settings - within craft CP.
more docs when ready