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Experimental code completion engine using generators. Instead of query the entire system and generate lots of potentially intermediate collections that we need to concatenate, copy, grow, iterate all those sub-collections in order. Generators provide a stream-like access to those collections (and sequences of collections) without scanning the full system eagerly.

This package is meant for Pharo 9.0 for now. It is highly experimental, there are things that may break :).


If you want to install it globally in the system, evaluate the following expression which will tell the completion engine to use our completion context:

RubSmalltalkEditor completionEngineClass: CoCompletionEngine.

Otherwise, you can add it per spec text component as follows:

e := CoCompletionEngine new.
p := SpCodePresenter new
	behavior: SpCodePresenter;
	syntaxHighlight: true;
	completionEngine: e;
p openWithSpec.


This completion engine is done out of three main components:

  • lazy fetchers implemented using generators,
  • a completion object that works as a result-set
  • and several completion heuristics that are decided depending on the code being completed by looking at the AST.


Fetchers are subclasses of CoFetcher. They need to define the method #entriesDo: aBlock iterating a collection. The fetcher framework will take care of creating a streaming API for it using generators. For example, a simple fetcher can be created and used with:

CoFetcher subclass: #MyFetcher
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	package: 'Complishon-Core'
MyFetcher >> entriesDo: aBlock [
  1 to: 10000000000 do: aBlock

MyFetcher new next >>> 1.

Basic Fetchers

A simple generic fetcher works on a collection.

CoCollectionFetcher onCollection: #( a b b a c )

And an empty fetcher is useful to provide no results

CoEmptyFetcher new

Fetcher combinators

The fetchers above can be combined between them with several simple combinators. A sequence of fetchers, created with the message #,, fetches first the elements in the first fetcher, then in the second one.

CoInstanceVariableFetcher new, CoGlobalVariableFetcher new

A filter fetcher, created with the message #select:, decorates another fetcher and filters it with a block.

CoInstanceVariableFetcher new select: [ :e | "a condition..." ]

A no-repetition fetcher, created with the message #withoutRepetition, decorates another fetcher and filters those elements that were already returned previously by himself.

CoPackageImplementedMessagesFetcher new select: [ :e | "a condition..." ]

Fetchers for code completion

In addition, this engine provides already fetchers to iterate the following:

  • CoInstanceVariableFetcher: instance variables of a class
  • CoClassVariableFetcher: class variables of a class
  • CoClassImplementedMessagesFetcher: messages implemented by a class
  • CoGlobalVariableFetcher: global variables in an environment
  • CoMethodVariableFetcher: variables accessible to an AST node (in order)
  • CoPackageImplementedMessagesFetcher: messages sent in a package

For code completion, another combinator shows useful to iterate a fetcher up a class hierarchy: CoHierarchyFetcher. This hierarchy fetcher decorates a ClassBasedComplishonFetcher (i.e., a CoClassImplementedMessagesFetcher, a CoInstanceVariableFetcher or a CoClassImplementedMessagesFetcher), and can be created with the message #forHierarchy.

Completion ResultSet

The CoResultSet object will store a fetcher. It then lazily fetches and internally store objects on demand:

c := CoResultSet fetcher: (CoInstanceVariableFetcher new
    completionClass: aClass;

"The first time it will fetch 20 elements from the fetcher and store them"
c first: 20.

"The second time it will just return the already stored elements"
c first: 20.

"Now it will fetch some more objects to have its 25"
c first: 25.

The CoResultSet object allows one to:

  • explicit fetch using fetch: and fetchAll
  • retrieve the results using first, first: and results
  • filter those results using filterByString:
  • query it with hasMoreElements and notEmpty


When the autocompletion is invoked, it calculates how to autocomplete given the AST node where the caret is in the text editor. The following piece of code shows examples of heuristics implemented in the prototype.

Heuristics for messages

If the AST node is a message whose receiver is self, autocomplete all messages implemented in the hierarchy.

(CoClassImplementedMessagesFetcher new
    completionClass: aClass;
    forHierarchy) withoutRepetition

If the AST node is a message whose receiver is super, autocomplete all messages implemented in the hierarchy starting from the superclass.

(CoClassImplementedMessagesFetcher new
    completionClass: aClass superclass;
    forHierarchy) withoutRepetition

If the AST node is a message whose receiver is a class name like OrderedCollection, autocomplete all messages in the class-side hierarchy of that class.

(ClassImplementedMessagesComplishonFetcher new
    completionClass: (completionContext environmentAt: aRBMessageNode receiver name) classSide;
    forHierarchy) withoutRepetition

If the AST node is a message whose receiver is a variable that has type information in its name name, like anOrderedCollection, autocomplete all messages in the instance-side hierarchy of guessed class. Then continue with normal completion. There are two cases: variables starting with a such as aPoint and variables starting with an such as anASTCache.

completionContext environmentAt: aRBMessageNode receiver name allButFirst asSymbol ifPresent: [ :class |
    ^ (ClassImplementedMessagesComplishonFetcher new
        completionClass: class;
        forHierarchy), PackageImplementedMessagesComplishonFetcher new  ].
completionContext environmentAt: (aRBMessageNode receiver name allButFirst: 2) asSymbol ifPresent: [ :class |
    ^ (ClassImplementedMessagesComplishonFetcher new
        completionClass: class;
        forHierarchy), PackageImplementedMessagesComplishonFetcher new  ]

If all the above fail, autocomplete all messages used in the current package. Chances are we are going to send them again.

    ^ CoPackageImplementedMessagesFetcher new
    	complishonPackage: aPackage;

Heuristics for Method signature

When autocompleting the name of a new method, chances are we want to override a method in the hierarchy, or to reimplement a method polymorphic with the ones existing in the current package.

self newSuperMessageInHierarchyFetcher,
    (CoPackageImplementedMessagesFetcher new
        complishonPackage: aPackage;

Heuristics for variables

Variables accessed by an instance are first the ones in the method, then the ones in the hierarchy.

instanceAccessible := (CoMethodVariableFetcher new
        complishonASTNode: anAST;
            (CoInstanceVariableFetcher new
                completionClass: aClass)
			forHierarchy ].

Then, variables accessed by an instance are also the ones in the class variables and globals.

globallyAccessible := (CoClassVariableFetcher new
    completionClass: complishonContext complishonClass)
            (CoGlobalVariableFetcher new
	        complishonEnvironment: anEnvironment;

Plugging different heuristics

This completion engine is meant to be pluggable. New heuristics can be introduced, or the ones in the system can be completely replaced. If you want to implement your own completion you need to subclass CoASTResultSetBuilder or CoResultSetBuilder. CoASTResultSetBuilder provides already common behavior when basic the code completion algorithm on the AST. Then the completion engine can be configured with the required result set builder.

CoCompletionEngine new
    complishonBuilder: MyResultSetBuilder new;

Subclassing CoResultSetBuilder

The system will provide your builder with a completion context, and will then call buildComplishon. You need to redefine buildComplishon and return a CoResultSet.

Subclassing CoASTResultSetBuilder

The system will provide your builder with a completion context, and will then call a default version of buildComplishon. By default it will parse the source code to get an AST, get the AST node corresponding to the caret position, and make a double dispatch on the node. As a result, the ASTResultSetBuilder will be sent a corresponding visit* with the corresponding node. You need to redefine visit* and return a CoResultSet configured depending on the AST node.

Subclassing CoASTHeuristicsResultSetBuilder

CoASTHeuristicsResultSetBuilder is an CoASTResultSetBuilder based on heuristics. It has three sets of heuristics: one for messages, one for variables, and one for methods. You can redefine messageHeuristic, methodHeuristic or variablesHeuristic to change one of them.


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