Starred repositories
Catalog of classic Firefox add-ons created before WebExtensions apocalypse
Web Rendering Proxy: Use vintage, historical, legacy browsers on modern web
HTTP 1.x proxy that makes old web browsers usable again in the Web 2.0 world.
Add custom effect to global system title bar, support win10 and win11.
Modified Android TV Netflix Apk To Work On Uncertified And Widevine L3 Devices (Including Custom Roms)
Patched Netflix App for Android enabling Widevine L1 allowing not certified devices to play HD
Simple replacement for Android's Adaptive Brightness/Auto Brightness feature. Android app & Tasker project.
Super Mario World (SNES) Widescreen Project
Plex torrent streaming through Debrid Services
swiftlang / llvm-project
Forked from llvm/llvm-projectThe LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. This fork is used to manage Swift’s stable releases of Clang as well as support the Swift project.
A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
Minimal manifest for building TWRP for devices shipped with Android 5.1 through Android 9.0
repo - The multiple repository tool (also works on MS Windows!)
Classic Theme patches for File Explorer
inotia00 / rvx-builder
Forked from reisxd/revanced-builderA NodeJS ReVanced Extended builder
adonais / iceweasel
Forked from mozilla/gecko-devOfficial repositories at
🧢 A beautifully designed, free Android package tracking app for the Brazilian postal service
guimmp92 /
Forked from gdkchan/SNES.netSNES emulator written in VB.NET
guimmp92 / doflicky
Forked from solus-project/doflickyDriver Management Looking Thinger
Porting CoLinux to 64-bit Intel processors for GSoC