Mobile-optimised web:
See all songs -
Pick your favourite songs (star) -
Sign up
- What do you want to sing/play?
- Validate: you must pick at least one instrument
- Validate: you must tell us your name
Revisit signup
- What happens when you go to
but you've already signed up?- Can you edit your selection?
- Can you cancel completely?
- submitting an empty form?
- What happens when you go to
Cancel signups
See the queue
Search for songs (including weird punctuation handling) - e.g. search for "What's Up" needs to find "What’s Up" (smart quotes)
Seeall songsSee all active usersSee favouritesEdit the queue - move songs up/down- Edit signups
- Mark a song as "done" (we've already played it)
- Rebuild the song list (?)
DO we need security?
Not really. There's no signup, no payment, no authentication, and the app is online for 4 hours.
I'm going to say no. We don't.