The link forward service used by It generates static URLs for redirecting third party URLs. It's similar to, but NOT a URL shorter.
- Use a static token to adapt changes to origin url.
- Track user click to generate report. (Only if DNT isn't enabled)
Raw URL:
will translate to
Forward Link, Create/Manage/Share Link, View Report
If you don't like docker, you can follow the next section to build and run the project yourself.
Tools | Alternative |
.NET Core 3.1 SDK | N/A |
Visual Studio 2019 | Visual Studio Code |
Azure SQL Database | SQL Server 2019 / LocalDB (Dev Only) |
For a quick Azure deployment, you can use the automation script Azure-Deployment\Deploy.ps1
to setup a ready-to-run Elf in a couple of minutes. (Azure CLI is required to run the script)
Create an SQL Server 2019 LocalDB database. e.g. linkforwarder-dev
Create an Azure SQL Database or a SQL Server 2019+ database. e.g. linkforwarder-dev
Update the connection string "LinkForwarderDatabase" in appsettings.[env].json according to your database configuration.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"ElfDatabase": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=linkforwarder-dev;Trusted_Connection=True;"
Create an "appsettings.Development.json" under "src\LinkForwarder", this file defines development time settings like db connections. It is by default ignored by git, so you will need to manange it on your own.
Build and run LinkForwarder.sln
Below section discuss system settings in appsettings.[env].json.
Configure how to sign in to admin portal.
Register an App in Azure Active Directory
- Set Redirection URI to "https://yourdomain/signin-oidc"
- For local debugging, set URL to https://localhost:5001/signin-oidc
- Copy "appId" to set as AzureAd:ClientId in appsettings.[env].json file
"Authentication": {
"Provider": "AzureAD",
"AzureAd": {
"Domain": "{YOUR-VALUE}",
"TenantId": "{YOUR-VALUE}",
"ClientId": "{YOUR-VALUE}",
Set Authentication:Provider to "Local" and assign a pair of username and password.
Currently password is not encrypted, use it at your own risk.
"Authentication": {
"Provider": "Local",
"Local": {
"Username": "{YOUR-VALUE}",
"Password": "{YOUR-VALUE}",