Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value |
appdir | Local project directory | Yes | |
appname | Application name | No | Directory name |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value |
enabled | Whether to pull the project from git to the specified local appdir | No | false |
repo | Repository name | enabled=true | |
username | Git username | enabled=true | |
password | Git password | enabled=true |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value |
username | SSH username | Yes | |
password | SSH user password | Yes | |
port | SSH port | No | 22 |
authorized_keys_path | Path to where the authorized_keys file generated on the SSH server storing SSH client's public keys | No | ~/.ssh/authorized_keys |
privatekey_path | Path to where the private key file generated on the SSH client | No | ~/.ssh/appdeployer |
publickey_path | Path to where the public key file generated on the SSH client | No | ~/.ssh/ |
knownhosts_path | Path to where the known_hosts file generated on the SSH client storing SSH server's public keys | No | ~/.ssh/known_hosts |
stricthostkeychecking | SSH client verifies the server's public key before establishing a connection | No | false |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value |
hosts | List of remote machines | Yes | localhost, separate multiple hosts with commas, supports wildcards |
role | Application type | Yes | Supported types: go, java, nodejs |
become_password | Password for sudo execution | Yes | |
installdir | Installation directory on remote machines | No | ~/workspace |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value |
dockerconfig | Path to Docker's config file, usually located in the user's home directory under .docker/config.json | No | ~/.docker/config.json |
dockerfile | Path to the Dockerfile, which describes how to build the Docker image. Defaults to the root directory | No | ./Dockerfile |
registry | URL of the Docker registry for pushing or pulling Docker images. Defaults to Docker Hub's official registry | No | |
username | Username for accessing the Docker registry. Required if the registry requires authentication | Yes | |
password | Password or access token corresponding to the username. Required if the registry requires authentication | Yes | |
repository | Name of the Docker image repository, including the namespace if applicable (e.g., username/repository) | Yes | |
tag | Tag of the Docker image to distinguish different versions or builds in the same repository | No | latest |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value |
kubeconfig | Path to the Kubernetes cluster config file, used for interacting with the cluster. | No | ~/.kube/config |
namespace | Namespace in Kubernetes for resource isolation | No | Same as default.appname | | Domain or IP address for the Ingress resource to access the service | No | appName + ".com" |
ingress.tls | Whether to enable TLS encryption | No | false |
ingress.selfsigned | Whether to use a self-signed certificate | No | false |
ingress.selfsignedyears | Valid years for the self-signed certificate | No | 1 |
ingress.crtpath | Path to the custom TLS certificate (.crt file) | No | |
ingress.keypath | Path to the custom TLS key (.key file) | No | |
service.port | Port number exposed by the Service | No | 8000 |
deployment.replicas | Number of replicas in the Deployment | No | 1 |
deployment.port | Port number the application listens to inside the container | No | 8000 |
deployment.rollingupdate.maxsurge | Maximum number of additional replicas allowed during rolling updates | No | 1 |
deployment.rollingUpdate.maxunavailable | Maximum number of unavailable replicas during rolling updates | No | 0 |
deployment.quota.cpulimit | CPU limit for the container | No | 1000m |
deployment.quota.memlimit | Memory limit for the container | No | 512Mi |
deployment.quota.cpurequest | CPU request for the container | No | 500m |
deployment.quota.memrequest | Memory request for the container | No | 256Mi |
deployment.livenessprobe.enabled | Whether to enable the liveness probe | No | false |
deployment.livenessprobe.type | Type of liveness probe (httpget, exec, tcpsocket), case insensitive | No | httpget |
deployment.livenessprobe.path | HTTP path for the liveness probe | No | / |
deployment.livenessprobe.scheme | HTTP scheme for the liveness probe (http, https), case insensitive | No | http |
deployment.livenessprobe.command | Command for the liveness probe (used when type is exec) | No | |
deployment.livenessprobe.initialdelayseconds | Initial delay in seconds for the liveness probe | No | 0 |
deployment.livenessprobe.timeoutseconds | Timeout in seconds for the liveness probe | No | 1 |
deployment.livenessprobe.periodseconds | Check interval in seconds for the liveness probe | No | 10 |
deployment.livenessprobe.successthreshold | Success threshold for the liveness probe | No | 1 |
deployment.livenessprobe.failurethreshold | Failure threshold for the liveness probe | No | 3 |
deployment.readinessprobe.enabled | Whether to enable the readiness probe | No | false |
deployment.readinessprobe.type | Type of readiness probe (httpget, exec, tcpsocket), case insensitive | No | httpget |
deployment.readinessprobe.path | HTTP path for the readiness probe | No | / |
deployment.readinessprobe.scheme | HTTP scheme for the readiness probe (http, https), case insensitive | No | http |
deployment.readinessprobe.command | Command for the readiness probe (used when type is exec) | No | |
deployment.readinessprobe.initialdelayseconds | Initial delay in seconds for the readiness probe | No | 0 |
deployment.readinessprobe.timeoutseconds | Timeout in seconds for the readiness probe | No | 1 |
deployment.readinessprobe.periodseconds | Check interval in seconds for the readiness probe | No | 10 |
deployment.readinessprobe.successthreshold | Success threshold for the readiness probe | No | 1 |
deployment.readinessprobe.failurethreshold | Failure threshold for the readiness probe | No | 3 |
deployment.volumemount.enabled | Whether to enable volume mount | No | false |
deployment.volumemount.mountpath | Volume mount path | No | /app/data |
hpa.enabled | Whether to enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler | No | false |
hpa.minreplicas | Minimum number of Pod replicas to scale down to | No | 1 |
hpa.maxreplicas | Maximum number of Pod replicas to scale up to | No | 10 |
hpa.cpurate=50 | CPU utilization threshold for scaling Pod | No | 50 |
pvc.accessmode | Access mode for PVC (readwriteonce, readonlymany, readwritemany), case insensitive | No | readwriteonce |
pvc.storageclassname | StorageClass used by the PVC | No | openebs-hostpath |
pvc.storagesize | Requested storage size for the PVC | No | 1Gi |
Deploy to Kubernetes Cluster
go run main.go kube --default.appdir=~/workspace/hellogo --docker.username=qiuguobin --docker.password=*** --kube.kubeconfig=~/Downloads/config -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai
go run main.go kube --default.appdir=~/workspace/hellojava --docker.username=qiuguobin --docker.password=*** --kube.kubeconfig=~/Downloads/config -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai
go run main.go kube --default.appdir=~/workspace/hellonode --docker.username=qiuguobin --docker.password=*** --kube.kubeconfig=~/Downloads/config -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai
Deploy to VM Cluster
go run main.go vm --default.appdir=~/workspace/hellogo --ssh.username=guobin --ssh.password=111111 --ansible.become_password=111111 --ansible.hosts= --ansible.role=go
go run main.go vm --default.appdir=~/workspace/hellojava --ssh.username=guobin --ssh.password=111111 --ansible.become_password=111111 --ansible.hosts= --ansible.role=java
go run main.go vm --default.appdir=~/workspace/hellonode --ssh.username=guobin --ssh.password=111111 --ansible.become_password=111111 --ansible.hosts= --ansible.role=nodejs
Deploy to Kubernetes Cluster
curl --location 'http://localhost:8888/kube/submit' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"default": {
"appdir": "~/workspace/hellogo"
"docker": {
"username": "qiuguobin",
"password": "111111111"
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8888/kube/deploy?requestID=XXXXXXXXXXX'
Deploy to VM Cluster
curl --location 'http://localhost:8888/vm/submit' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"default": {
"appdir": "~/workspace/hellogo"
"ssh": {
"username": "guobin",
"password": "111111"
"ansible": {
"role": "go",
"become_password": "111111",
"hosts": ""
curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8888/vm/deploy?requestID=XXXXXXXXXXX'
- Add label to Deployment for traffic distribution
- Select multiple environments for simultaneous deployment
- Add static code analysis
- Add username and password login to the web UI
- Retain the history of each deployment
- ...