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Promote changes from private utility project into FSharp.Lu
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- Add new Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure module, upgraded to latest version of Azure nugets and migrate from WindowsAzure.Storage to Microsoft.Azure.Storage.
Includes number of F# helpers to access Azure Compute, Storage, Network, ARM API
- Add HttpCommunication module, a strongly-typed HTTP client thin library
- Add support for environment variable and error output capture in `startProcess` API
- Add Knuth-Morris-Pratt implementation for searching a string in a file stream
- Add state machine and agent module used to implement long-running operations in services
- Add Windows/Linux platform helpers
- Adds the Combine functor for the TraceTags statically-typed global logger
- Many other utility functions added: SMB, sysprep, parsing, shutdown, EXE type, IDisposable helpers, Compression, certificate, CacheMap colletion...
- Bump up version to 0.11.0
- Hardening of startProcess API to handle corner cases (e.g. process ends too quickly or too slowly)

  • Loading branch information
blumu committed Jul 13, 2019
1 parent f3a8500 commit 4ca3e05
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Showing 78 changed files with 10,879 additions and 223 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitattributes
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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# Scripts for FSI
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion CI-vsts.yml
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# Increase version number before every official release (if PublishRelease is set to true)

- task: DotNetCoreInstaller@0
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41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions FSharpLu.Azure.Test/Azure.Test.Keyvault.fs
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[<Xunit.Trait("TestCategory", "Keyvault")>]
module Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Test.Keyvault

open System
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Vault
open Xunit

let ``Parse keyvault URL`` () =
let x, y, z = parseKeyvaultSecretUrl ""
Assert.Equal(x, "")
Assert.Equal(y, "bla")
Assert.Equal(z, "13564s6df")

let ``Parse keyvault URL 2`` () =
let x, y, z = parseKeyvaultSecretUrl ""
Assert.Equal(x, "")
Assert.Equal(y, "bla")
Assert.Equal(z, "13564s6df")

let ``Parse keyvault URL without version`` () =
let x, y, z = parseKeyvaultSecretUrl ""
Assert.Equal(x, "")
Assert.Equal(y, "foo")
Assert.Equal(z, "")

let ``Parse keyvault URL without version 2`` () =
let x, y, z = parseKeyvaultSecretUrl ""
Assert.Equal(x, "")
Assert.Equal(y, "foo")
Assert.Equal(z, "")

let ``Throws when parsing incorrect keyvault URLs`` () =
let _ = Assert.Throws(Action(fun () -> parseKeyvaultSecretUrl "" |> ignore))
let _ = Assert.Throws(Action(fun () -> parseKeyvaultSecretUrl "" |> ignore))
let _ = Assert.Throws(Action(fun () -> parseKeyvaultSecretUrl "" |> ignore))
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions FSharpLu.Azure.Test/Azure.Test.Queue.fs
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namespace Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Test.Queue

open System
open Microsoft.Azure.Storage
open Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Queue
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Async

module Tests =

let validateHardCodedMaximumVisibilityTimeout(storageAccount: string, storageKey: string) =
async {
let auth = Auth.StorageCredentials(storageAccount, storageKey)
let storage = CloudStorageAccount(auth, true)

let queueClient = storage.CreateCloudQueueClient()

let queueName = "maxvisibilitytest"

let q = queueClient.GetQueueReference(queueName)
let! exists = q.ExistsAsync().AsAsync
if exists then
failwithf "Queue %s already exists, use a different queue name" queueName
let! _ = q.CreateIfNotExistsAsync().AsAsync

let msg = box "wubalubadubdub"
let rec validate (t: TimeSpan) =
do! schedulePostMessage q msg t
printfn "Scheduled with visibility: %O" t
return! validate (t.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays 1.0))
e ->
printfn "Failed to schedule with visibility: %O" t
let t = t.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays 1.0)
// expected to succeed
do! schedulePostMessage q msg t
return t
with e ->
return failwithf "Failed to schedule post with smaller timespan %O" t


let! c =
async {
let! t = 1.0 |> TimeSpan.FromDays |> validate
if t <> AzureHardCodedMaximumVisibilityTimeout then
failwithf "Expected maximum visibility timeout to be: %O but got: %O" AzureHardCodedMaximumVisibilityTimeout t
do! q.DeleteAsync().AsAsync

match c with
| Choice1Of2 () -> ()
| Choice2Of2 e -> reraise e
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions FSharpLu.Azure.Test/Azure.Test.Storage.fs
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namespace Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Test.Storage

open System
open FsCheck
open Xunit

module Tests =
open System.Collections.Generic
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Storage.Impl
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Test.Generators
open Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage

let accountsByTag (listResourcesWithTag:ListResourcesWithTag<ListResources>) azure resourceGroupName =
let withTag, tagged =
let (ListResourcesWithTag (listByResourceGroup, (tagKey, tagValue), tagged)) = listResourcesWithTag

let! withTag =
getStorageAccountsByTag listByResourceGroup azure resourceGroupName (tagKey, tagValue)

return withTag, tagged
} |> Async.RunSynchronously

(fun () -> Seq.length withTag = Seq.length tagged)
|> Prop.classify (Seq.isEmpty withTag) "Empty"
|> Prop.classify (Seq.length withTag = Seq.length tagged) "Same length"
|> Prop.classify (Seq.length withTag <> Seq.length tagged) "Lengths do not match"

let endpointsByTag (listResourcesWithTag:ListResourcesWithTag<ListResources>) azure resourceGroupName =
let endpointsWithTag, tagged, sameEndpoints =
let (ListResourcesWithTag (listByResourceGroup, (tagKey, tagValue), tagged)) = listResourcesWithTag

let! endpointsWithTag =
getStorageEnpointsByTag listByResourceGroup azure resourceGroupName (tagKey, tagValue)

let sameEndpoints = (tagged, endpointsWithTag)
||> Seq.forall2 (fun acc (name, _, ep) -> acc.Name = name && acc.PrimaryEndpoints = ep)

return endpointsWithTag, tagged, sameEndpoints
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
(fun () ->
Seq.length endpointsWithTag = Seq.length tagged && sameEndpoints)
|> Prop.classify (Seq.isEmpty endpointsWithTag) "Empty"
|> Prop.classify (sameEndpoints) "Same Endpoints"
|> Prop.classify (not sameEndpoints) "Endpoints do not match"
|> Prop.classify (Seq.length endpointsWithTag = Seq.length tagged) "Same length"
|> Prop.classify (Seq.length endpointsWithTag <> Seq.length tagged) "Different lengths"

let accountsByKeys (resources: Resources<ListResources * Models.StorageAccount[] * Dictionary<string, Models.StorageAccountListKeysResult>>) azure resourceGroupName =
let sameResourceGroup, xs, accounts, sameKey1s =
async {
let (Resources (listResources, accounts, keys)) = resources

let! xs = getAllAccountsWithKeys listResources azure resourceGroupName
let sameResourceGroup = xs |> Seq.forall(fun (g, _, _, _) -> g = resourceGroupName)
let sameKey1s = xs |> Seq.forall(fun (_, name, _, key) -> keys.[name].Keys.[0].Value = key)
return sameResourceGroup, xs, accounts, sameKey1s
} |> Async.RunSynchronously

(fun () -> Seq.length xs = Seq.length accounts && sameResourceGroup && sameKey1s)
|> Prop.classify(Seq.isEmpty xs) "Empty"
|> Prop.classify(Seq.length xs = Seq.length accounts) "Same lengths"
|> Prop.classify(sameResourceGroup) "Same resource group"
|> Prop.classify(sameKey1s) "Same keys"
|> Prop.classify(Seq.length xs <> Seq.length accounts) "Lengths do not match"
|> Prop.classify(not sameResourceGroup) "Resource Group does not match"
|> Prop.classify(not sameKey1s) "Keys do not match"

let endpointByName (resources: Resources<ListResources * Models.StorageAccount[] * Dictionary<string, Models.StorageAccountListKeysResult> * string Set>) azure resourceGroupName =
let (Resources (listResources, accounts, keys, names)) = resources
let name = if Set.isEmpty names then String.Empty else Seq.head names
let x, y =
async {
let! s, listKeys = listResources azure resourceGroupName
let! xs = tryGetStorageEndpointByName listResources azure resourceGroupName name
return s |> Seq.tryFind(fun x -> x.Name = name), xs
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
(fun () ->
match x, y with
| None, None | Some _, Some _ -> true
| Some _, None | None, Some _ -> false)
|> Prop.classify (match x, y with None, None -> true | _ -> false) "Expected not to find"
|> Prop.classify (match x, y with Some n, Some(m, _, _) when n.Name = m -> true | _ -> false) "Found"
|> Prop.classify (match x, y with Some n, Some(m, _, _) when n.Name <> m -> true | _ -> false) "Found wrong one"
|> Prop.classify (match x, y with Some _, None -> true | _ -> false) "Not found when expected to find"
|> Prop.classify (match x, y with None, Some _ -> true | _ -> false) "Found when not supposed to find"

/// TODO This test is broken. It had a bug that made it pass, the fix breaks the test. disabling it for now.
let mapEndpointsByName (resources: Resources<ListResources * Models.StorageAccount[] * Dictionary<string, Models.StorageAccountListKeysResult> * string Set>) azure resourceGroupName =
let names, map =
async {
let (Resources (listResources, accounts, keys, names)) = resources
let! s, listKeys = listResources azure resourceGroupName
let! xs = mapStorageEndpointsByName listResources azure resourceGroupName names
return names, xs
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
(fun () ->
names.Count = map.Count &&
(Seq.forall(fun name ->
(Map.tryFind name map |> Option.bind id).IsSome) names)
|> Prop.classify (names.IsEmpty) "Empty"
|> Prop.classify (names.Count > map.Count) "Final map does not have all the names"
|> Prop.classify (names.Count < map.Count) "Final map has more names than supplied"
|> Prop.classify (names.Count = map.Count) "Same length"

open Tests

[<Trait("TestCategory", "Azure Storage")>]
type AzureStorageTests () =
let generatorRegistration = Arb.register<Microsoft.FSharpLu.Azure.Test.Generators.Generators>()

member __.StorageAccountsWithKeys() =
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure accountsByKeys

member x.StorageAccountsByTag() =
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure accountsByTag

member x.StorageEndpointsByTag() =
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure endpointsByTag

member x.StorageEndpointByName() =
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure endpointByName

/// TODO: 2680 Broken test
// [<Fact>]
//member __.MapStorageEndpointsByName() =
// Check.QuickThrowOnFailure mapEndpointsByName
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions FSharpLu.Azure.Test/CommunicationTests.fs
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namespace Microsoft.FSharpLu.HttpCommunication.Test

open Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting
open System
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.HttpCommunication

module CommunicationTests =

let randomSeed = (new Random()).Next()
let random = new Random(randomSeed)
let testResponseText = "a response"

let getOpenPort startPort endPort =
let properties = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties()
let usedPortsWithinRange =
|> (fun p -> p.Port)
|> Seq.filter (fun p -> p >= startPort && p <= endPort)
|> Set.ofSeq
let openPort = set [startPort .. endPort] - usedPortsWithinRange |> Seq.tryHead
match openPort with
| Some port -> port
| None -> failwith (sprintf "Error getting an open port, all ports within range from %i to %i are busy. Try increasing the range." startPort endPort)

let rec startListener cancellationTokenSource =
let serverUri = Uri (sprintf "http://localhost:%d" (getOpenPort 8980 9000))
Server.listener serverUri cancellationTokenSource (fun req resp ->
async {
printfn "Listener start on %s" serverUri.AbsoluteUri
let relativeUri = Server.getRelativeUri serverUri req

printfn "URI: %s" relativeUri
let statusCode =
match relativeUri with
| "SuccessTest" ->
async {
printfn "Running success test."
let messageText = Server.getRequestContent req

match messageText with
| Ok messageText ->
printfn "Found message: %s" messageText
return System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK
| Error exn ->
printfn "Error reading request content: %O" exn
return System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
| unknownUri ->
printfn "Unknown request type: %A" unknownUri

printfn "Returning code: %A" statusCode

let dataToReturn = if random.NextDouble() > 0.5 then None else (Some testResponseText)
Server.sendResponse resp statusCode dataToReturn
}), serverUri
| :? System.Net.HttpListenerException as e ->
printfn "An exception has occurred: %s. Retrying start of the listener." e.Message
startListener cancellationTokenSource

let sendRequest serverUri requestContent relativeUri =
Client.sendRequest serverUri requestContent relativeUri

type UtilitiesCommunicationTests() =

static let cancellationTokenSource = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
static let httpListener, serverUri = startListener cancellationTokenSource

static member init(context : TestContext) =
printfn "Using random seed %d" randomSeed

static member cleanup() =
(httpListener :> IDisposable).Dispose()

[<Description("Test 'ServerRequestSuccess' behavior")>]
member this.ServerRequestSuccess() =

let response = sendRequest serverUri "hello" "SuccessTest"
printfn "Received response text: %s" response
if not (String.IsNullOrEmpty response || response.Equals(testResponseText)) then
invalidOp (sprintf "test failed, response text %s does not match expected %s" response testResponseText)

[<Description("Test 'ServerRequestError' behavior")>]
member this.ServerRequestError() =
let requestSucceeded =
sendRequest serverUri "hello" "NonExistentPath" |> ignore
e ->
printfn "Got %s" e.Message
if requestSucceeded then
invalidOp "test failed, request should fail"

[<Description("Ping Google and Bing")>]
member this.InternetAccess() =
let urlsToPing = [""; ""]
let access = urlsToPing |> Utils.hasInternetAccess |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously
if access |> Array.exists (fun x -> match x with Utils.InternetAccessResult.Access _ -> false | _ -> true) then urlsToPing (List.ofArray access)
|> invalidOp "Failed to ping at least one URL: %A"


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