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pastis GoDoc

Go framework for developing ops-friendly RESTful web services

Getting Started

Pastis is a framework for creating RESTful web services with minimal effort:

Quick Example

package main

import "net/url"
import ""

func main() {
	api := pastis.NewAPI()
	api.Get("/foo",  func() (int, interface{}) {
		return 200, "Hello"

And run with:

go run main.go

View at: http://localhost:4567/foo


Using go get

$ go get

After this command pastis is ready to use. Its source will be in:


You can use go get -u -a to update all installed packages.


In Pastis, a route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern. Each route is associated with a callback function:

	api.Get("/foo", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) { something

	api.Post("/foo", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		...create something

	api.Put("/foo", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		...modify something

	api.Patch("/foo", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		...modify something

	api.Delete("/foo", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		...delete something

	api.Link("/foo", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		...affiliate something

	api.Unlink("/foo", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		...separate something

Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route that matches the request is invoked.

In Pastis, query or path parameters are both accessible via the optional callback parameter of type url.Values.

Route patterns may include **named parameters:

	api.Get("/posts/:title", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		title := params.Get("title")
       something with this named parameter

Routes may also utilize **query parameters:

	api.Get("/posts", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		title := params.Get("title")
		author := params.Get("author")
		greeding := fmt.SPrintf("Hello %s", name)	
		// uses title and author variables; query is optional to the /posts route

Routes may require the request body. In Pastis, the request body is decoded to the type of the callback parameter that you declared as input parameter in the callback. Any parameter that has a type different from url.Values will match the request body content provided that it can be represented as valid JSON.

Possible request body parameter can be any of the following types:

  • map[string]interface{} or struct (those that begin with uppercase letter) for JSON Objects
  • []interface{} for JSON arrays
  • Any Go primitive type that matches the body content that is more convenient that the type above (int, string etc..)

Return Values

Every callback execution should end up returning a tuple (int, interface{}). The tuple element of type int represents the HTTP status code. The other one of type interface{} represents the response content. The return handler will take care of marshalling this content into JSON.


	return http.StatusOK, [] Chart{Chart{"name", 1},Chart{"name", 1}}
	return http.StatusCreated, Identifier{params.Get("id"), 2}
	return http.StatusCreated, map[string]interface{} {"id":1, "size":3, "type":"line"}
	return http.StatusOK, "Hello"


In Pastis, a resource is any Go struct that implements HTTP methods (GET, PUT etc..).

type DashboardResource struct {

type ChartResource struct {

type Chart struct {
	Name  string
	Order int

func (api DashboardResource) Get(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) { something with params params.Get("dashboardid")	
	return http.StatusOK, [] Chart{Chart{"name", 1},Chart{"name", 1}}

func (api ChartResource) Get(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
	return http.StatusOK, Chart{params.Get("chartid"), 2}

func (api ChartResource) Put(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) { something with params params.Get("chartid")

A resource has a unique URL-matching pattern. Therefore, each resource route method is associated with the resource method function whose name matches.

dashboardResource := new(DashboardResource)
chartResource := new(ChartResource)
api := NewAPI()
api.AddResource("/dashboards/:dashboardid", dashboardResource)
api.AddResource("/dashboards/:dashboardid/charts/:chartid", chartResource )

In the above example, the chart resource Put method matches the HTTP method "PUT" and the resource URL "/dashboards/:dashboardid/charts/:chartid".

Resource method functions behave exactly like callback method except that they match the resource route.


Filters are evaluated before and/or after request within the same context as the routes will be and can modify the request and response.

A filter is any function that sastifies this interface :

type Filter func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *FilterChain)

// Filter (post-process) Filter (as a struct that defines a FilterFunction)
func LoggingFilter(w http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, chain *FilterChain) {
	now := time.Now()
	chain.NextFilter(w, request)
	log.Printf("[HTTP] %s %s [%v]\n", request.Method, request.URL, time.Now().Sub(now))

Any filter can be added to apis

	var api = pastis.NewAPI()

CORS Support

Pastis provides CORS filter. If you need it, just add the CORS filter to your api.

	var api = pastis.NewAPI()


Pastis tests can be written using any testing library or framework. The native Go package httptest is recommended:

import (

/* Test Helpers */
func expect(t *testing.T, a interface{}, b interface{}) {

func assert_HTTP_Response(t *testing.T, res *http.Response, expectedStatusCode int, expectedResponsebody interface{}) {

func Test_Callback_With_Params(t *testing.T) {
	p := NewAPI()
	p.Get( "/hello/:name", func(params url.Values) (int, interface{}) {
		fmt.Printf("Name : %v",params.Get("name"))
		return http.StatusOK, Foo { params.Get("name"), 1 }

	ts := httptest.NewServer(p)
	defer ts.Close()

	url := ts.URL + "/hello/guregodevo"
	res, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
	assert_HTTP_Response(t, res, http.StatusOK, Foo{"guregodevo", 1})


Pastis includes its own logging API. It allows the developer to control which log statements are output with arbitrary granularity. It is fully configurable at runtime.

Pastis Logger may be assigned a minimum level. The set of possible levels, in ascending order is:

  • DEBUG,
  • INFO,
  • WARN,
  • ERROR and
  • OFF

A logger minimum level enables any log message whose level order is equals or lower.

By default, this API Logger level is "DEBUG" and the log output stream is StdOut.

package main

import "net/url"
import ""
import "os"
func main() {
	api := pastis.NewAPI()
	api.SetOutput("ERROR", os.Stderr, log.Ltime)
	//ERROR logs will now be printed out to the standard error stream
	//Prefixed by ERROR and the time flag "ERROR 01:23:23" 


Pastis speaks JSON. In terms of data formats, JSON has become mainstream, and the package encoding/json is fairly robust in the Go programming language. In addition to being lightning fast, it has a sophisticated mashaller, allowing you to use type safe parameter when recieving request content.

In the example below, the body content of the request is fully decoded using the Go JSON decoder. Pastis just takes care of detecting the parameter type and unmarshalling it.

package main

import "net/url"
import ""
import "fmt"

type Foo struct {
	Name string
	Order int	

func main() {
	api := pastis.NewAPI()
	api.Post( "/foo", func(vals url.Values, body Foo) (int, interface{}) {
		fmpt.Printf("Here is the request body %v ", foo)
		return http.StatusOK, body


Go microframework for developing JSON web services







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