- Surge (Static front-end): http://cherrypie.surge.sh
- Heroku (API and front-end): https://cherrypieapp.herokuapp.com
This is a repository with code for cherry pie making recipes
- heroku login
- heroku git:remote -a cherrypieapp
- git push heroku master
- Environment vars for Surge, Heroku
- Build stages in YAML file
- Add Redux
- Test Redux
- Add actions and action creators
- Solidify reducers
- React router
- Test react router
- Styled components
- Test styled components
- Add Proptypes
- Test Proptypes
- Refactor client/server scrips
- Add Redux Sagas
- Test sagas
- Reselect for Redux
- Test restate
- Container/component template w/ Redux
- React Forms
- Test forms
- Semantic UI main App layout component
- Test Semantic UI layout component
- Create a weather component
- Create a login modal component
- User sign-up
- Test user sign-up
- Sign-up with Google
- Test user sign-up
- Sign-up with Facebook
- Test user sign-up
- Sign-up with Twitter
- Test user sign-up