This application can be used for any employee that wants to help organize their work schedule. The webpade was created using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. However, it truly relies on the use of both the jQuery and dayjs API's.
jQuery allows users to access a library of javascript features quickly and efficiently. Dayjs is also a javascript library that is used to manipulate and display both dates and time.
This work day scheduler allows employees to write down events during their 9am-5pm shift. Events can also be saved using the save icon located to the right of the text box. Hours are also clor-coordinated in the following manner: grey indicates the hour has past, red indicates the current hour, and green indicates the future. At the top of the webpage the current date and time are displayed at the top of the schedule; this was achieved using the dayjs API.
Below are images from the deployed application showcasing the work day schedule in play.
link to deployed application:
Refer to LICENSE in the repository