A place CSM-style blog site where users can write about tech to share open for others to comment on. This application is created through handlebars.js, express.js, mysql, and node.js
Visit the deployed application: https://morning-everglades-75624-85e27c27b724.herokuapp.com/
If you want to run it locally clone this repository. Then sign into mysql through the terminal and run 'source db/schema.db', to create the database. Next run 'npm install'. Lastly, run 'npm start' to get the application running on your localhost browser. Now that the application is ready to go, create an account and happy blogging!
This project is licensed under mit https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
If you have any additional questions regarding this project please contact me at [email protected]. You can view more of my work at https://github.com/gurverm