Phone: +82 10-5124-7171
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: Ray/Path Tracing, Texture Compression, Image Processing
Objective: Develop or research Real-Time Applications such as Rendering, Image processing, and Ray/Path Tracing by utilizing CPU (Multi-threading, AVX/NEON SIMD Intrinsic) and GPU (Graphics API, GPGPU).
- M.S., Department of Computer Scienece | Sangmyung University, Seoul, Korea ( 2023.03 ~ 2024.08 )
- B.S., Department of Electronic Engineering | Sangmyung University, Seoul, Korea ( 2017.03 ~ 2023.02 )
- Hyeon-ki Lee and Jae-Ho Nah, "H-ETC2: Design of a CPU-GPU Hybrid ETC2 Encoder", Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue of Pacific Graphics 2023), 42(7), 2023, (Link), (Code)
- Hyeon-ki Lee, Hyeju Kim, Dong-Yun Kim, Woo-Chan Park and Jae-Ho Nah, "Considerations for the Acceleration Structure of Sound Propagation on Embedded Devices: Kd-trees versus Multi Bounding Volume Hierarchies", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024 (Under review), (Demo)
- GPU Tech Labs @ Sanmyung University, Seoul, Korea ( 2022.04 ~ 2024.08 )
- Creative Contents Labs @ Sanmyung University, Seoul, Korea ( 2021.04 ~ 2022.03 )