go build .
./bench -nops 100000 -lkv 128
- nops Number of operations to perform
- lkv Length of key and value
On crappy 4 year old system run on your server or local machine for better results and on an SSD!
StarskyWrite benchmark: 2.672362ms
Starsky Get benchmark: 208.283µs
Starsky Delete benchmark: 2.911128ms
Pebble Write benchmark: 1.19309476s
Pebble Get benchmark: 428.02µs
Pebble Delete benchmark: 1.000259286s
BBolt Write benchmark: 4.551773ms
BBolt Get benchmark: 236.076µs
BBolt Delete benchmark: 1.136888ms
Feel free to add a key value store or make adjustments if needed. Please submit a pull request with your changes. If you have any questions or issues please submit an issue.