Network Representation Learning: A Survey
TKDE 18 A Survey on Network Embedding
Arxiv 18 A Tutorial on Network Embeddings
Arxiv 19 A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks
Arxiv 19 Graph Neural Networks A Review of Methods and Applications
TKDE 17 A Comprehensive Survey of Graph Embedding Problems, Techniques and Applications
IEEE 17 Representation Learning on Graphs: Methods and Applications
NIPS 13 Translating Embeddings for Modeling Multi-relational Data (TransE)
AAAI 14 Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes (TransH)
AAAI 15 Learning entity and relation embeddings for knowledge graph completion (TransR)
NIPS 2013 Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality (word2vec)
EMNLP 14 GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
KDD 14 Deepwalk: Online learning of social representations (Deepwalk)
random walk + skip-gram
WWW 15 Line: Large-scale information network embedding (Line)
preserving both first-order and second-order proximities
KDD 16 node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks (Node2vec)
biased random walk procedure to efficiently explore diverse neighborhoods
KDD 16 Structural deep network embedding (SDNE)
structure-preserving embedding method to capture first and second order structural information of the network.
KDD 17 struc2vec: Learning Node Representations from Structural Identity (struc2vec)
Embedding: Factorization
ICDM 10 Factorization machines
IJCAI 17 DeepFM: a factorization-machine based neural network for CTR prediction
KDD 18 xDeepFM: Combining explicit and implicit feature interactions for recommender systems
WSDM 18 Network embedding as matrix factorization: Unifying deepwalk, line, pte, and node2vec (NetMF)
Characteristics: multiple types of nodes and edges
KDD 15 Pte: Predictive text embedding through large-scale heterogeneous text networks
constructs large-scale heterogeneous text network from labeled information and different levels of word co-occurrence information,
KDD 17 metapath2vec: Scalable representation learning for heterogeneous networks (metapath2vec)
formalizes meta-path based random walk to construct the heterogeneous neighborhood of a node and then
leverages a heterogeneous skip-gram model to per- form node embeddings.
KDD 17 Meta-Graph Based Recommendation Fusion over Heterogeneous Information Networks
Algorithm 18 Learning Heterogeneous Knowledge Base Embeddings for Explainable Recommendation. (CFKG)
KDD 18 Leveraging Meta-path based Context for Top-N Recommendation with A Neural Co-Attention Model (MCRec)
TKDE 18 Heterogeneous information network embedding for recommendation (HERec)
meta-path based random walk strategy to generate meaningful node sequences to learn network embeddings that are first transformed by a set of fusion functions and subsequently integrated into an extended matrix factorization (MF) model.
Characteristics: multiple types of proximities between nodes
ICDMW 17 Principled multilayer network embedding (PMNE)
three methods to project a multiplex network into a continuous vector space.
CIKM 17 An Attention-based Collaboration Framework for Multi-View Network Representation Learning. (MVE)
embeds networks with multiple views in a single collab- orated embedding using attention mechanism.
IJCAI 18 Scalable Multiplex Network Embedding (MNE)
uses one common embedding and several additional embeddings of each edge type for each node
Arxiv 18 mvn2vec: Preservation and Collaboration in Multi-View Network Embedding
explores the feasibility to achieve better embedding results by simultaneously modeling preservation and collaboration to represent semantic meanings of edges in different views respectively.
KDD 19 Representation Learning for Attributed Multiplex Heterogeneous Network
WWW 19: MARINE: Multi-relational Network Embeddings with Relational Proximity and Node Attributes
Characteristics: network topological structure and node attribute proximity can be preserved in such repre- sentations
KDD 15 Heterogeneous network embedding via deep architectures (HNE)
jointly consider contents and topological structures in networks
IJCAI 15 Network representation learning with rich text information (TADW)
incorporates text features of vertices into network representation learning under the framework of matrix factorization
WSDM 17 Label informed attributed network embedding (LANE)
smoothly incorporates label information into the attributed network embedding while preserving their cor- relations
SDM 17 Accelerated attributed network embedding (AANE)
joint learning process to be done in a distributed manner for accelerated attributed network embed- ding
TKDE 18 Attributed social network embedding (SNE)
embedding social networks by capturing both the structural proximity and attribute proximity
IJCAI 18 Deep Attributed Network Embedding (DANE)
capture the high nonlinearity and preserve various proximities in both topological structure and node attributes
IJCAI 18 ANRL: Attributed Network Representation Learning via Deep Neural Networks (ANRL)
uses a neighbor enhancement autoencoder to model the node attribute information and an attribute-aware skip-gram model based on the attribute encoder to capture the network structure.
KDD 19 Representation Learning for Attributed Multiplex Heterogeneous Network
IEEE 2009 The Graph Neural Network Model
ICLR 16 Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks
ACL 18 Graph-to-Sequence Learning using Gated Graph Neural Networks
ACL 18 Semi-supervised User Geolocation via Graph Convolutional Networks
AAAI 19 Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks
ICLR 2017 Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks
KDD 18 Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-Scale Recommender Systems
AAAI 19 SocialGCN: An Efficient Graph Convolutional Network based Model for Social Recommendation
CIKM 18 Multiresolution Graph Attention Networks for Relevance Matching
NIPS 17 Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs GraphSAGE
KDD 18 Large-Scale Learnable Graph Convolutional Networks
ICLR 18 Graph Attention Networks
KDD 18 DeepInf: Social Influence Prediction with Deep Learning
WWW 19 Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation
WSDM 19 Session-based Social Recommendation via Dynamic Graph Attention Networks
WWW 19 Heterogeneous Graph Attention Network
Model MultiRelation:
ICLR 19 Relational Graph Attention Networks
ESWC 18 Modeling Relational Data with Graph Convolutional Networks
NIPS 18: Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning with Differentiable Pooling
KDD 19 DEMO-Net: Degree-specific Graph Neural Networks for Node and Graph Classification
KDD 15 E-commerce in Your Inbox: Product Recommendations at Scale
RecSys 16 Meta-Prod2Vec : Product Embeddings Using Side-Information for Recommendation
WSDM 18 A Path-constrained Framework for Discriminating Substitutable and Complementary Products in E-commerce
KDD 18 Billion-scale Commodity Embedding for E-commerce Recommendation in Alibaba
KDD 16 Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding for Recommender Systems (CKE)
RecSys 17 Translation-based Recommendation
CIKM 18 RippleNet: Propagating User Preferences on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems. (RippleNet)
WWW 19 Unifying Knowledge Graph Learning and Recommendation: Towards a Better Understanding of User Preferences
WWW 19 Multi-Task Feature Learning for Knowledge Graph Enhanced Recommendation
GNN for Rec:
WWW 19 Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation
SIGIR 19 Graph Intention Network for Click-through Rate Prediction in Sponsored Search
IJCAI 19 Graph Contextualized Self-Attention Network for Session-based Recommendation
KDD 19 KGAT: Knowledge Graph Attention Network for Recommendation
WWW 19 Knowledge Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommender Systems
KDD 19 Knowledge-aware Graph Neural Networks with Label Smoothness Regularization for Recommender Systems
WWW 19 Dressing as a Whole: Outfit Compatibility Learning Based on Node-wise Graph Neural Networks
CIKM 15 Semantic Path based Personalized Recommendation on Weighted Heterogeneous Information Networks
RecSys 15 ensemble learning with categorical features
KDD 16 Collaborative Knowledge Base Embedding for Recommender Systems
IJCAI 16 Sherlock: Sparse Hierarchical Embeddings for Visually-aware One-class Collaborative Filtering
IJCAI 16 Tri-Party Deep Network Representation
RecSys 16 Music Playlist Recommendation via Preference Embedding
RecSys 16 Query-based Music Recommendations via Preference Embedding
RecSys 16 Factorization Meets the Item Embedding: Regularizing Matrix Factorization with Item Co-occurrence
ICDM16 Learning Compatibility Across Categories for Heterogeneous Item Recommendation
KDD 17 Embedding-based News Recommendation for Millions of Users
IJCAI 17 MRLR Multi-level Representation Learning for Personalized Ranking in Recommendation
RecSys 17 Translation-based Recommendation
SIGIR 17 Attentive Collaborative Filtering: Multimedia Recommendation with Item- and Component-Level Attention
SIGIR 17 Embedding Factorization Models for Jointly Recommending Items and User Generated Lists
AAAI 17 Scalable Graph Embedding for Asymmetric Proximity
WSDM 18 Multi-Dimensional Network Embedding with Hierarchical Structure
Tensorflow and Sonnet
Ali Euler:
Facebook Pytorch-BigGraph: