a powerful modified plugins for MusicFree
- I'm not the author, I have no source code.
- All plugins version based on official commits on Jun 24, 2023. (https://github.com/maotoumao/MusicFreePlugins/tree/d1c07da2c4a5ae8224acfe519b8c110d768b500b)
- Three plugins is obfuscated (kuwo, migu, qq) with some vip function added, others just changed update link.
- These plugins is intend to use in a 3-party app, and may leak your personal information, please use it in caution.
This repository is just a backup for the plugins code.
- The last official full functional commits is on Jan 17, 2024. (https://github.com/maotoumao/MusicFreePlugins/tree/e88f5dea5ea7b2b60ccb3aae6823ca38ec71c5d0)
- The 'netease' plugin is outdated, please using the ofiicial version. (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gwjwin/MusicFreePlugins/main/official/netease/index.js)
- The 'kuwo' plugin is broken.
- The 'migu' plugin is bronke.
The step to add plugins:
- Add latest official plugins. (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maotoumao/MusicFreePlugins/master/plugins.json)
- Add last old site plugins. (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gwjwin/MusicFreePlugins/main/official/plugins.json)
- Add this VIP plugins. (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gwjwin/MusicFreePlugins/main/stillwork.json)