Datasets for the book Computational Actuarial Science with R
Hackerrank Problem solving solutions in Python
170+ solutions to practice problems using Python 3, С++ and Oracle SQL
The second project for the Udacity C++ Nanodegree
Collection of Blind Image Quality Metrics in Matlab
Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion.
Image denoising using Markov random fields.
PXO (Poly-XTAL Operations). Generate, analyze and export complex 2D space partitions like metallic grain structures
A (and desktop) library port of the free Font Awesome icons
Tools for training and using unsupervised autoencoders and supervised deep learning classifiers for hyperspectral data.
Shadow Removal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images With Multiexposure Fusion
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.