Wrap WASM into JS files as base64.
This command line tool generates a typescript or a javascript file that you can simply import or require in your code, it plays nice with any bundler such as Webpack or Rollup.
Useful for shipping small WebAssembly libraries, in testing, and as a build step after generating .wasm
npm install --save wasmwrap
$ wasmwrap --help
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--input Input filepath to wrap, can be any file. [string] [required]
--output Where to write the output, if not specified it prints the
file contents to STDOUT. [string]
--language language of output file, by default it looks at the output
filename. [choices: "js", "ts", "match"] [default: "match"]
--module module type to generate, only necessary to change if you are
using an old node version.
[choices: "esm", "commonjs"] [default: "esm"]
--include-decode include a base64 decode function that works both in the
browser and in node/deno (~1KB unminified).
[boolean] [default: true]
wasmwrap --input myfile.wasm --output myfile.wasm.js
wasmwrap --input myfile.wasm --output myfile.wasm.ts
By default the generated file contains a base64 decode function that works in both the browser, node or deno. If you wish to exclude this and use your own you can specify --no-include-decode
If you are using an old Node version you can instead generate a CommonJS module by passing --module=commonjs
Wrapping WebAssembly into a Javascript or Typescript file is something that you can do using various bundler plugins (such as my own rollup-plugin-base64
), but for a lot of projects a bundler is overkill, or perhaps you need more control.
Using a bundler also leads to a more difficult testing story here: how do you test code that first requires the bundle step?
With this small but sharp tool you can add this as a build step right after you generate the .wasm
or .wat
file and generate a JS or TS file that you can then import. You can then still use your bundler without any special WebAssembly plugins.