npm run create:model (model file name)
to create basic model based on model file name
npm run create:controller (controller file name)
to create basic CRUD controller based on controller file name
npm run create:route (rute file name)
to create basic CRUD route based on route file name
uploadFile(req.files.(field name), {
mimeType : mime type,
filter : file size,
fileType : file type
this function will upload your file to "public/(depends on your file mime type)". this function will return object
input explanation
field mime type is general mimetype
- application
- audio
- image
- text
- video
filter file size in bytes
- gte = greater than equal
- lte = littleer than equal
- lt = littleer than
- gt = greater than
- eq = equal than
file type is spesific file type like
- .mp3
- .mp4
- .wav
- .png
- .jpg etc
output explanation
- filePath = file location base on env BASE_URL
- fileName = file name stored in public path
- encoding = file encoding
- mimeType = file mime type
- size = file size
emailCheck(value to check)
this function to check value is email (return Boolean)
phoneCheck(value to check)
this function to check value is phone number that
- must 11 - 14 char
- must start with 0 / +62
- must number
this function will return Boolean (true/false)
generateToken(payload value, duration)
this function will generate jwt token base on env ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET and duration
refreshToken(payload value, duration)
this function will generate jwt token base on env REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET and duration
decodeToken(jwt token to decode)
this function will decode jwt token base on env ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
from: 'email from',
to: email for,
subject: 'add subject',
html: 'the email message'
this function will send email base on env
uniqueArray(array there has duplicate value)
this function will return non duplicate array
mongooseModel.find({you can add fillter here}, {}, paginations(req.query))
this function will give pagination base on for select current page and req.query.limit for limiting return data. if there has no req.query this will defalut returning current page = 1 and limit = 10 object
this function will generate payment with midtrans account base on env. the payload value can read in midtrans documentation here
this function will returning payment status by useing web hooks http request post from midtrans. you can convigure web hooks here at "Payment Notification URL".
res.status(200).json(successResponse(sending value))
this for returning success response when the return is success
res.status(some status code).json(errorResponse(error))
this for returning error response when the return is error
in env there has "CORS_ORIGIN" this value must be string for allowing what origin can access your api. you can add multiple origin without adding it to array just add it like (","
this cors origin useing white list system