An OTP library for parsing language Http headers with zero dependencies.
Erlang R17 or higher (due to use of Maps) and Rebar 3.
Apache 2.0
$ rebar3 compile
$ rebar3 edoc
Eshell V8.1 (abort with ^G)
1> browser_lang:parse_accept_language(<<"da, en-gb;q=0.8, en-us;q=0.9">>).
[#{lang => <<"da">>,locale => undefined,quality => 1.0},
#{lang => <<"en">>,locale => <<"en-us">>,quality => 0.9},
#{lang => <<"en">>,locale => <<"en-gb">>,quality => 0.8}]
browser_lang:parse_accept_language(binary()) -> [Map :: map()]
Function for parsing Accept-Language header. Header string should be a binary. Returns sorted list of a parsed language ranges. Sorting is based upon quality "q" param of each language or locale tag. Each resulting element is a Map of a three keys: lang, locale and quality. Locale could be undefined.
All returned values will always be in lowercase.