We have tested several data augmentation for better training for this project, and hence better translation results. We have translated English sentences into Portuguese. The input was a single English sentence, and the output was a single Portuguese sentence that translated the English sentence.
- tensorflow
- keras
- Linux Machine
# Quick Installation steps
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
├── baselines.py # Baseline Result Calculation
├── bleu_score.py # Script to calculate Blue Score
├── data_fn.py # Script to Convert Pred. Text in Gold Format
├── datasets # Contains the Project Dataset and Result
│ ├── baseline_datasets # Dataset for Baseline models
│ │ ├── amazon.txt # Baseline Data of Amazon
│ │ └── worst.txt # Baseline Data of Worst
│ ├── F1_Score # Folder for print F1 Score
│ │ └── results_RNN.txt
│ ├── gold_rnn # Gold Format Prediction of RNN
│ │ ├── dataset1_m.txt
│ │ ├── dataset1_trial1_h.txt
│ ├── gold_transformer # Gold Format Prediction of Transformer
│ │ ├── dataset1_trial1.txt
│ │ ├── dataset3_trial3.txt
│ │ └── test.txt # Test for Transformer
│ ├── modified_datasets # Modified Dataset
│ │ ├── dataset_1.txt # Data Argumentation 1
│ │ ├── dataset_2.txt # Data Argumentation 2
│ │ └── dataset_3.txt # Data Argumentation 3
│ ├── RNN_Result # RNN Results
│ │ ├── dev_best
│ │ ├── predict.habib1.txt
│ │ ├── predict.habib1.updated.txt
│ │ ├── predict.maisha3.gold_format.txt
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── staple-2020 # Staple 2020 Original Dataset for en_pt
│ │ ├── en_pt
│ │ │ ├── dev.en_pt.2020-02-20.gold.txt
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── README.txt
│ ├── testing_datasets # Dataset for Testing and Validation
│ │ ├── dev_best.txt
│ │ ├── dev.txt
│ │ └── test.txt
│ └── Transformer_Result # Transformer Result
│ ├── result_dataset_1_trial1.csv
│ └── ...
├── images # Necessary Images of this Projects
│ ├── Figure_1.png
├── RNN.sh # Run RNN to Generate Final Result
├── text_processing.py # Text Processing, Model Training, Output Prediction, etc
├── tokenized # Dump Tokenize Data, Results
│ ├── dump
│ │ ├── test_eng_enc_seq.pickle
│ │ └── test_port_enc_seq.pickle
│ ├── English
│ │ ├── eng_tok1.pickle
│ └── Portuguese
│ ├── 1.pickle
│ ├── ...
├── tokenizer.py
├── transformer # Folder For Transformer
│ ├── CMPUT566_Eng_Por_Translation_Transformer_Model_dataset123.ipynb
│ └── Restore_checkpoints_dataset123.ipynb
python3 create_modified_datasets.py
git clone https://github.com/duolingo/duolingo-sharedtask-2020.git
cd duolingo-sharedtask-2020
Weighted Score for Dataset 1
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/staple-2020/en_pt/test.en_pt.2020-02-20.gold.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_rnn/dataset1.txt
Weighted Score for Dataset 2
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/staple-2020/en_pt/test.en_pt.2020-02-20.gold.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_rnn/dataset2.txt
Weighted Score for Dataset 3
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/staple-2020/en_pt/test.en_pt.2020-02-20.gold.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_rnn/dataset3.txt
python3 create_modified_datasets.py
python3 cmput566_eng_por_translation_transformer_model_dataset123.py
python3 restore_checkpoints_dataset123.py
git clone https://github.com/duolingo/duolingo-sharedtask-2020.git
cd duolingo-sharedtask-2020
Weighted Score for Dataset 1
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset1_trial1.txt
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset1_trial2.txt
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset1_trial3.txt
Weighted Score for Dataset 2
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset2_trial1.txt
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset2_trial2.txt
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset2_trial3.txt
Weighted Score for Dataset 3
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset3_trial1.txt
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset3_trial2.txt
python3 staple_2020_scorer.py --goldfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/test.txt --predfile ../CMPUT566-MOTH/datasets/gold_transformer/dataset3_trial3.txt