#Project RefugeeAssist is for refugees in Turkey. For finding nearest health institutions, schools and vocational training centers. These places can be added by government,sponsors and societies. Take users' latitude and longitude data and show the places where do they need in foreign country. Gather refugees together and show them what they mostly need in Turkey. Especially for women and children refugees needs hospitals. Older men needs vocational centers to learn how to work in Turkey. I developed the backend side of the project. Backend project and API has been developed which can be used by web client and mobile client projects.
#Technologies Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring MVC DB: PostgreSQL Using Liquibase database refactoring slf4j for logging Integration Tests and Unit testing to recover API endpoints
#Run Application PostgreSql -Create db called 'refugeeassist_master_db' -Create schema called 'refugee'
After logged in with username and password. Token has been created for 5 min usage. Endpoints can be request with this token.
#Base URL http://localhost:4000/
/api/v1/login (Login with username password)
/api/v1/health/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE
/api/v1/health/ POST, GET
/api/v1/school/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE
/api/v1/school/ POST, GET
/api/v1/voct/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE
/api/v1/voct/ POST, GET
/api/v1/city/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE
/api/v1/city/ POST, GET
/api/v1/city-district/{id} GET, PUT, DELETE
/api/v1/city-district/ POST, GET