I'm a Software Engineering student at Mehran university of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro. My intersts lie majorly towards Front end Development and I've been exploring Python as 'am looking forwrd to set some roots into Data Analytics.
- Pursuing my BE in Software Engineering.
- Currently 'am on JS route of Front end Dev Journey.
- Navigating Python.
- Quran and Sunnah website: : An static website containing Benefits of reciting Quranic chapters and some of the Holy Prophet's sunnah.
- (Static) Clone of flipkart: : A half-cloned Flipkart website, containing just a single page. It was basically created just for sake of the practice of CSS.
- Simple Memory Game site: : A simple Memory Game site.
- TwitterX_Cloned_Web: : Client Side Cloned TwitterX website.
- Nove_Genius_Summer_Intership_Task_1: : First Internship's first task, and this helped get good grip on bootstrap and SASS.
- Nove_Genius_Summer_Intership_Task_2: : First Internship's second task, this helped in learning and applying DOM manipulation, changing styles and applying different transform values on clicks on different buttons.
- My Portfolio Website: : My portfolio website containing all of the necessary information about me, my skill set and web projects.