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Tags: hakonhagland/fipy



Toggle version-3_1_3's commit message
Tagging 3.1.3


Toggle version-3_1_2's commit message
Tag 3.1.2 for updated website


Toggle version-3_1_1's commit message
Tag 3.1.1


Toggle version-3_1's commit message
Release version 3.1

The significant changes since version 3.0 are:

- Level sets are now handled by :ref:`LSMLIBDOC` or :ref:`SCIKITFMM`
  solver libraries. These libraries are orders of magnitude faster than the
  original, :term:`Python`-only prototype.
- The :term:`Matplotlib` :func:`streamplot()` function can be used to display
  vector fields.
- Version control was switched to the Git_ distributed version control
  system. This system should make it much easier for :term:`FiPy` users to
  participate in development.

Tickets fixed in this release::

    62  "Move 'ImplicitDiffusionTerm().solve(var) == 0' ""failure"" from examples.phase.simple to examples.diffusion.mesh1D?"
    118 subscriber()._markStale() AttributeError
    138 `` doesn't support tensors
    143 "Trying to ""solve"" an integer `CellVariable` should raise an error"
    195 broken arithmetic face to cell distance calculations
    197 ~binOp doesn't work on branches/version-2_0
    305 add rhie chow correction term in stokes cavity example
    321 Windows interactive plotting mostly broken
    324 --pysparse configuration should never attempt MPI imports
    341 Fix fipy.terms._BinaryTerm test failure in parallel
    365 Rename GridXD
    368 Error adding meshes
    370 Epetra Norm2 failure in parallel
    383 move FiPy to distributed version control
    385 `diffusionTerm._test()` requires PySparse
    391 efficiency_test chokes on
    432 LSMLIB refactor
    441 Explicit convetion terms should fail when the equation has no TransientTerm (dt=None)
    445 getFaceCenters() should return a FaceVariable
    448 Gmsh2D does not respect background mesh
    452 Gmsh background mesh doesn't work in parallel
    453 faceValue as FaceCenters gives inline failures
    454 Assorted errors
    456 Web page links seem to be broken
    457 Make the citation links go to the DOI links
    460 Clean up interaction between dependencies and installation process
    461 SvnToGit clean up
    462 Fix for test failures on loki
    465 sign issues for equation with transient, convection and implicit terms
    466 "multiplying equation by ""x"" changes the solution"
    469 text in source:trunk/examples/convection/ is out of date
    470 Include mailing list activity frame on front page
    473 Gmsh importer can't read mesh elements with no tags
    475 getVersion() fails on Py3k
    477 Update Ohloh to point at git repo
    480 link to mailing list is wrong
    481 constrain should return a handle to the constraint for later deletion
    484 NIST CSS changed
    486 Using `Popen('gmsh ...', shell=True)` rather than `shell=False` security danger
    490 Parallel bug in non-uniform grids and conflicting mesh class and factory function names
    491 Rename communicator instances
    492 unOps can't be pickled
    493 Change documentation to promote use of stackoverflow
    494 Viewers don't inline well in IPython notebook
    496 FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX is broken
    497 examples/phase/ has problems
    513 convection problem with cylindrical grid
    539 Bug with numpy 1.7.0
    557 NumPy 1.7.0 doesn't have _formatInteger
    564 VanLeerConvectionTerm MinMod slope limiter is broken
    638 numpy 1.7.1 test failures with
    639 Neumann boundary conditions not clearly documented
    641 Add support for Matplotlib streamplot
    648 Peclet inequalities have the wrong sign
    650 CylindricalNonUniformGrid2D doesn't make a FaceVariable for exteriorFaces
    652 Documentation change for Ubuntu install
    653 enable google analytics
    654 Switch to sphinxcontrib-bibtex
    655 Home page needs out-of-NIST redirects


Toggle version-3_0_1's commit message
Release to update the website


Toggle version-3_0's commit message
merged source:branches/documentation@5299 to source:trunk@5299

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// d80e17d7-ff13-0410-a124-85740d801063


Toggle version-2_1_3's commit message
Changing the version number to make a release.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// d80e17d7-ff13-0410-a124-85740d801063


Toggle version-2_1_2's commit message
workaround for

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// d80e17d7-ff13-0410-a124-85740d801063


Toggle version-2_1_1's commit message
 * updated README with latest changes

 * bumped version number to 2.1.1

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// d80e17d7-ff13-0410-a124-85740d801063


Toggle version-2_1's commit message
tagging version 2.1

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// d80e17d7-ff13-0410-a124-85740d801063