CSS debugging tool with an unpronounceable name
If you are using a bundler:
npm install debucsser
Alternatively download debucsser.js in /module folder and link it in your html
a chrome extension is under development
Debucsser is a simple CSS debugging tool made to be unobtrusive in your workflow.
I find myself often apply "outline" to a lot of elements on the page to see their dimensions.
With Debucsser I simply have to hold CTRL and move my mouse around to see the dimensions in px and apply an outline class to every element I hover.
If you hold CTRL + SHIFT you apply the outline class to all the elements on the page by adding a global class.
You can configure some parameters.
I find handy the possibility to specify a custom class I want to apply to different elements without the need to comment and uncomment the my css files.
// only if you installed via NPM
import Debucsser from 'debucsser';
// pass all the custom properties you want
const config = {
color: 'palevioletred', // color of the outline
width: '4px', // width of the outline
grayscaleOnDebugAll: true, // apply grayscale filter to every element
customClass: 'exampleClass', // a class existent in your stylesheet
// init the debugger
const debug = new Debucsser(config).init();
When you have done this, simply hold CTRL and move the mouse around on the page or hold CTRL + SHIFT.
outline color.
Type: string. Default: palevioletred
outline width.
Type: string. Default: 3px
outline style.
Type: string. Default: solid
Apply grayscale filter on hovered element while holding CTRL.
Type: bool. Default: false
Apply grayscale filter on all elements while holding CTRL + SHIFT.
Type: bool. Default: false
Apply custom class on hovered element while holding CTRL.
Type: string. Default: null
Set the key to use alternatively to CTRL.
Type: number Default: 17
Set the key to use alternatively to SHIFT.
Type: number Default: 16
- make a usable chrome extension (very experimental by now)
- improve default styling of label
If you have any idea on how to make Debucsser better don't hesitate 😎
Fork ➡ new branch ➡ PR 🎉