A MVVM test library for study. Do not use in project
- compiler. Directives, filters and etc.
- Define reactive property.
- publish/subscribe.
- v-text
- v-html
- v-model
- v-on/@
- v-for
- v-bind/:
- v-if
- $watch
- v-show
- computed property
- template
- Component
- dom-diff
- defineProperty监听属性的setter和getter方式,在getter中添加属性的依赖, 在setter中触发依赖的回调。
- 数组的push,pop,shift等操作,需要重写。
- defineProperty监听时,属性值如果是Object,需要继续监听。
- methods and computed中 this 指向了 vm.$data, 需要切换到vm;
- proxy, proxy all property from vm.$data into instance
- store 目前挂在vm.$data上
- install store on VM, create a new instanca to watch state change. redefine state getter and setter.
- 嵌套Component