- Manaus-AM,Brazil
(UTC -04:00) - http://hallison.dev.br
- @hallison
ruby-doctest Public
Forked from tslocke/rubydoctestRuby version of Python's Doctest tool, but a bit different.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2024 -
dotfiles Public
This is a reporitory for my profiles that includes Bash (alias and functions), Git and SVN personal commands etc.
hallison.github.io Public
Site/blog/anotações/textos, o que for sobre meu trabalho e minha profissão, desenvolvedor.
HTML Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedNov 19, 2024 -
stack-ruby-sinatra-sequel Public
Stack - Ruby/Sinatra/Sequel. Boilerplate project using Ruby (programming language), Sinatra (DSL for web development) and Sequel (Toolkit and DSL for database).
Ruby UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
git-lighttp Public
Git Light (Smart) HTTP Ruby/Sinatra implementation with useful features
poc-inventario Public
Forked from ggaj/RecebimentoRecebimento ReactNative
JavaScript UpdatedJan 27, 2020 -
moz-git-tools Public
Forked from mozilla/moz-git-toolsTools for working with Git at Mozilla
Shell Other UpdatedApr 25, 2019 -
sinatra-mapping Public
Sinatra::Mapping extension is a minimal module that is useful for create map names for Sinatra web application.
gorse Public
Small GO utilities to use Oracle database and GO-ORA driver.
artanis Public
Forked from ysbaddaden/artanisSinatra-like DSL for the Crystal language (abusing macros)
Crystal MIT License UpdatedNov 2, 2017 -
git-webby Public
DEPRECATED: Git Smart HTTP Ruby/Sinatra implementation with useful features
jquery-filterablekeys Public
jQuery plugin to filter HTML elements using keywords to filter, hide and to show.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 4, 2015 -
sh-vcprompt Public
A pure POSIX Shell script for info about version control systems in your commando prompt
vim-markdown Public
Forked from preservim/vim-markdownMarkdown syntax highlight for Vim editor with snippets support
bash-toolbox Public
Bash-Toolbox is a simple set of functions and instructions that help develop script applications in Bash.
vim-ruby-sinatra Public
Vim syntax highlight and snippets that helper coding applications based in Sinatra micro-framework.
vim-rdoc Public
RDoc syntax highlight for Vim editor with snippets support
vim-skel Public
File skeletons (a.k.a. templates) for creation of the codes for projects
prigner Public
Prigner is a Project Design Kit (a.k.a. project builder). That is, it is a tool which builds your projects using templates.
postage Public
A generic interface (or API) for handle text files filtered by Markdown syntax. This API has been extracted from Postview project.
postview Public
Postview is a simple blog engine (aka. blogware) written in Ruby using the Sinatra DSL for render files written in Markdown.