Repository to host OpenRocket simulations
The command sudo apt-get install openrocket
does not work. To run OpenRocket, you will have to download the .jar
file and execute it using Java 8. Increasingly, debian distros default with Java 8+, so you'll have to install Java 8 first.
- Install Java 8
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
- Check for Java 8 Path (hacky method, don't actually update your preference). Take note of path
sudo update-alternatives --config java
- Make a directory to store OpenRocket
cd ~ && mkdir OpenRocket
- Download the OpenRocket 15.03 .jar file
wget -O ~/OpenRocket/OpenRocket-15.03.jar
- Set OpenRocket to executable
cd ~/OpenRocket && chmod +x OpenRocket-15.03.jar
- Run OpenRocket
java -jar ~/OpenRocket/OpenRocket-15.03.jar
The goal is to design a dual-deployment rocket with roughly the following stages. In our case, we will be swapping the locations of the main chute and the drogue chute.
Generally, the order of the rocket should be as follows
- Nose cone
- Payload
- Main Chute
- Electronics Bay
- Drogue Chute
- Propulsion & Fins
Keeping the payload in the front allows for placing the center of mass to be towards the front of the rocket. Our goal is to keep the center of mass ahead of the center of pressure for the rocket (or else it won't fly).
Keeping the electronics bay in between the parachutes makes it easier for the flight computer to ignite both switches (shorter wires, less chance of failure, etc).