1 - Initial Commit
- Setup project
2 - Configure app start. Connected network. Successful request categories and print them
Create App folder (AppRouter, AppDelegate, AppBuilder)
Create Network folder (NetworkRequest, NetworkError, Constants, APIService)
Create README file
3 - Create CategoriesList page(Homepage)
- Create CategoryList page with MVVM Pattern
4 - created ProductList page
- Create ProductList page with collectionView. Configure CategoryList viewModel for link to ProductList
5 - created ProductDetail page
- Create ProductDetail page with scrollView. Configure ProductList viewModel for link to ProductDetail.
6 - added sorted button to ProductList page
- sorting done with UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource (dont use any request to api)
- edited some issue on CategoryList page
7 - added action for AddToCartButton in ProductDetail page
- when add button doscounted item's price renewed
- and button backgrouncolor changed to gray
8 - configure rateStar and userDefault
- created starfilled helper
- when click the AddTobuttonCart the product id save to userDefault
9 - edit some issues of addToCart
- refactoring
- add readme gif
9 - make discounted prices on products when adding to cart
- As the products are added to the cart, the discount rates in the prices of other products change, except for the added product.
- placeholder set without image loading with kingfisher
- add new readme gif
- Alamofire
- KingFisher
- UITableViewDiffableDataSource
- UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource