alicanyucel / go-to-do-app
Forked from schadokar/go-to-do-appThis is a to-do list application. It's server is created in Golang, db is mongodb and client is in React.
Libba Frontend is a book rental application where the user can register new accounts, login and reserve a set of different books. It is built and connected by using two different repos, including B…
NurkaAmre / image-gallery
Forked from raihan2bd/image-galleryThis project is an Image Gallery built with React, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It allows users to view an image gallery on different devices, select and delete multiple images, and update the image …
Extensible, multi-dialect SQL query builder and Database connection framework for NodeJS
This is a calendar website which I make using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5 and JavaScript.✨
Your first choice for hybrid mobile applications
dashersw / simple-peer
Forked from feross/simple-peer📡 Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels
dashersw / node-discover
Forked from wankdanker/node-discoverAutomatic and decentralized discovery and monitoring of nodejs instances with built in support for a variable number of master processes, service advertising and channel messaging.
dashersw / jsdom
Forked from jsdom/jsdomA JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js