Small opinionated sprites.
Why is this different than sprite generation libraries like spritesmith? spritezero was initially created to power a sprite API, and thus is geared towards performance, as well as an ability to work with image data in buffers rather than on disk. Also, since version 2.0, spritezero generates sprites based on SVG graphics alone, therefore making it possible to support @2x and higher-dpi sprites from the same source.
var spritezero = require('@mapbox/spritezero');
var fs = require('fs');
var glob = require('glob');
var path = require('path');
[1, 2, 4].forEach(function(pxRatio) {
var svgs = glob.sync(path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'input/*.svg')))
.map(function(f) {
var extname = path.extname(f)
return {
svg: fs.readFileSync(f),
id: path.basename(f).replace(extname, ''),
extname: extname.substring(1) // If the image format is SVG, it can be ignored.
var pngPath = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'output/sprite@' + pxRatio + '.png'));
var jsonPath = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'output/sprite@' + pxRatio + '.json'));
// Pass `true` in the layout parameter to generate a data layout
// suitable for exporting to a JSON sprite manifest file.
spritezero.generateLayout({ imgs: svgs, pixelRatio: pxRatio, format: true }, function(err, dataLayout) {
if (err) return;
fs.writeFileSync(jsonPath, JSON.stringify(dataLayout));
// Pass `false` in the layout parameter to generate an image layout
// suitable for exporting to a PNG sprite image file.
spritezero.generateLayout({ imgs: svgs, pixelRatio: pxRatio, format: false }, function(err, imageLayout) {
spritezero.generateImage(imageLayout, function(err, image) {
if (err) return;
fs.writeFileSync(pngPath, image);
Complete API documentation is here:
Requires nodejs v10.0.0 or greater.
$ npm install @mapbox/spritezero
spritezero-cli is an executable for bundling and creating your own sprites from a folder of svg's:
$ npm install -g @mapbox/spritezero-cli
$ spritezero --help
spritezero [output filename] [input directory]
--retina shorthand for --ratio=2
--ratio=[n] pixel ratio