- 首次开发插件,节点可能存在问题,如果遇到了困难,请提交 Issues.(This is the first time to develop a plugin. There may be problems with the node. If you run into difficulties, please submit Issues.)
- 如果报错 audio 不存在或者未定义,请升级 comfyui.(If you get the error that audio does not exist or is undefined, upgrade comfyui.)
- 如果 video 显示异常,请刷新浏览器.(Reload your browser if the video displays abnormally.)
- 如果报错:FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'F:\\ComfyUI-aki-v1.3\output\6b5735c4-ef50-4933-a34d-ccbad3b5936d.mp4',请下载ffmpeg并且将ffmpeg/bin目录加入环境变量中.(If you get an error: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'F:\\ComfyUI-aki-v1.3\output\6b5735c4-ef50-4933-a34d-ccbad3b5936d.mp4', download ffmpeg and add the ffmpeg/bin directory to the environment variable.)
- ...custom_nodes\Comfyui-SadTalker\SadTalker\checkpoints\
- SadTalker_V0.0.2_256.safetensors(691MB)
- SadTalker_V0.0.2_512.safetensors(691MB)
- mapping_00109-model.pth.tar(148MB)
- mapping_00229-model.pth.tar(148MB)
- ...(comfyui root)\gfpgan\weights\
- alignment_WFLW_4HG.pth(184MB)
- detection_Resnet50_Final.pth(104MB)
- GFPGANv1.4.pth(332MB)
- parsing_parsenet.pth(81.3MB)