unibest - 最好用的 uniapp 开发框架。unibest 是由 uniapp + Vue3 + Ts + Vite4 + UnoCss + UniUI 驱动的跨端快速启动模板,使用 VS Code 开发,具有代码提示、自动格式化、统一配置、代码片段等功能,同时内置了大量平时开发常用的基本组件,开箱即用,让你编写 uniapp 拥有 best 体验。
Chat first code editor. To download the packaged app:
This free RAM cleaner uses native Windows features to optimize memory areas. It's a compact, portable, and smart application.
本项目基于 RuoYi-Vue-Plus 进行二次开发扩展Flowable工作流功能,支持在线表单设计和丰富的工作流程设计能力。如果觉得这个项目不错,麻烦点个star🌟。
A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically. Fair提供一整套Flutter动态化解决方案
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
Extension module for Windows Explorer to render SVG thumbnails, so that you can have an overview of your SVG files
50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS
基于 vite5.x + vue3.x + ant-design-vue4.x + typescript hooks 的基础后台管理系统 RBAC的权限系统, JSON Schema动态表单,动态表格,锁屏界面
NestJS CRUD for RESTful API 使用 NestJS + Mysql + Typeorm + Redis + JWT + Swagger 企业中后台管理系统项目RBAC权限管理(细粒度到按钮)、实现单点登录等...
A Vue.js 3 UI Library based on Arco Design
stellR42 / vue3-pdf-app
Forked from sandanat/vue-pdf-appVue 3 PDF viewer based on Mozilla's PDFJS
VUEjs v2 PDF viewer based on Mozilla's PDFJS
Lowcode engine demo for Vue(2.7/3)
vue3.x + vite2.x + vant + element-plus H5移动端低代码平台 lowcode 可视化拖拽 可视化编辑器 visual editor 类似易企秀的H5制作、建站工具、可视化搭建工具
图解计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库,共 1000 张图 + 50 万字,破除晦涩难懂的计算机基础知识,让天下没有难懂的八股文!🚀 在线阅读:
General-EFI-for-600/700-Series Continually updated / 持续更新
🍰🍰 VIte-CLI resolve Vite create starter template No need to configure vite scaffolding templates quickly build vite4.x development templates highly customized Vue3.x React 18 Vite5.x
A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.
GoGoCode is a transformer for JavaScript/Typescript/HTML based on AST but providing a more intuitive API.
一个基于 vue3 + element plus 的扩展组件库,提供数据配置表单,表格,菜单等丰富的扩展组件,帮助你快速开发
TinyVue is an enterprise-class UI component library of OpenTiny community, support both Vue.js 2 and Vue.js 3, as well as PC and mobile.
🛠️ A flexible and extensible command line tool for OpenTiny and frontend.
tiny-vue-theme 是 TinyVue 组件库的UI集成测试环境