- Pro
.files Public
dotfiles for custom configuration
Take_my_scripts Public
Short useful scripts
go-do-it Public
A todo list cli application with a terminal user interface built using Go
golang-jwt Public
epic golang monolith architecture with jwt for an epic backend structure
Go UpdatedOct 2, 2024 -
IYD-Image-Your-Disk Public
IYD is a disk imaging tool like ftk-imager but in python, can be used in cyber-forensics.
hmm_go_or_flask_hmm Public
whats better for restful apis, golang or flask (python)
Python UpdatedSep 26, 2024 -
water_my_flask Public
Making a simple web application using flask
KEYLOGGER_raspberry_pi_pico Public
A script when injected in pi pico, exploits a particular vulnerability
Python UpdatedApr 8, 2024 -
Perform various operations on you disk such as mount, format, create partitions etc using this python script on linux
AES256_encryption_algorithm Public
The 256 bit algorithm made using pycryptodome lib
LPU-leave-automated Public
Automating the leave applying system
interacting with kite connect v3 end points (api)
TermChat Public
Real time terminal based chatting application built using java
Online-Java-Compiler-IDE Public
Web based java IDE which can be used to write and run java code
Java-Socket-Server Public
Creating multiple HTTP java socket servers performing various tasks
IP_info Public
Python script which will give you info based on the IP given as input