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[ADD] Amharic (Ethiopia) date/time localization for DateJS, courtesy …
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This is necessary in order for the web client to work properly when
the user's locale is set to Amharic. Otherwise datejs will crash and
the web client's loading will fail to complete.

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miketelahun authored and xmo-odoo committed Jan 16, 2013
1 parent 5880f9a commit 3522321
Showing 1 changed file with 195 additions and 0 deletions.
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions addons/web/static/lib/datejs/globalization/am-ET.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
Date.CultureInfo = {
/* Culture Name */
name: "am-ET",
englishName: "Amharic (Ethiopia)",
nativeName: "አምሃርኛ (ኢትዮጵያ)",

/* Day Name Strings */
dayNames: ["እሁድ", "ሰኞ", "ማክሰኞ", "ረብዑ", "ሃሙስ", "ዓርብ", "ቅዳሜ"],
abbreviatedDayNames: ["እሁድ", "ሰኞ", "ማክሰ", "ረብዑ", "ሃሙስ", "ዓርብ", "ቅዳሜ"],
shortestDayNames: ["እሁ", "ሰኞ", "ማክ", "ረብ", "ሃሙ", "ዓር", "ቅዳ"],
firstLetterDayNames: ["እ", "ሰ", "ማ", "ረ", "ሃ", "ዓ", "ቅ"],

/* Month Name Strings */
monthNames: ["ጃንዋሪ", "ፌብሩዋሪ", "ማርች", "አፕሪል", "ሜይ", "ጁን", "ጁላይ", "ኦገስት", "ሴፕቴምበር", "ኦክቶበር", "ኖቬምበር", "ዲሴምበር"],
abbreviatedMonthNames: ["ጃንዋ", "ፌብሩ", "ማርች", "አፕሪ", "ሜይ", "ጁን", "ጁላይ", "ኦገስ", "ሴፕቴ", "ኦክቶ", "ኖቬም", "ዲሴም"],

/* AM/PM Designators */
amDesignator: "ከቀኑ",
pmDesignator: "ከለሊቱ",

firstDayOfWeek: 1,
twoDigitYearMax: 2029,

* The dateElementOrder is based on the order of the
* format specifiers in the formatPatterns.DatePattern.
* Example:
shortDatePattern dateElementOrder
------------------ ----------------
"M/d/yyyy" "mdy"
"dd/MM/yyyy" "dmy"
"yyyy-MM-dd" "ymd"
* The correct dateElementOrder is required by the parser to
* determine the expected order of the date elements in the
* string being parsed.
dateElementOrder: "dmy",

/* Standard date and time format patterns */
formatPatterns: {
shortDate: "dd/MM/yyyy",
longDate: "dd MMMM yyyy",
shortTime: "HH:mm",
longTime: "HH:mm:ss",
fullDateTime: "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss",
sortableDateTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss",
universalSortableDateTime: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ",
rfc1123: "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT",
monthDay: "dd MMMM",
yearMonth: "MMMM yyyy"

* NOTE: If a string format is not parsing correctly, but
* you would expect it parse, the problem likely lies below.
* The following regex patterns control most of the string matching
* within the parser.
* The Month name and Day name patterns were automatically generated
* and in general should be (mostly) correct.
* Beyond the month and day name patterns are natural language strings.
* Example: "next", "today", "months"
* These natural language string may NOT be correct for this culture.
* If they are not correct, please translate and edit this file
* providing the correct regular expression pattern.
* If you modify this file, please post your revised CultureInfo file
* to the Datejs Forum located at
* Please mark the subject of the post with [CultureInfo]. Example:
* Subject: [CultureInfo] Translated "da-DK" Danish(Denmark)
* We will add the modified patterns to the master source files.
* As well, please review the list of "Future Strings" section below.
regexPatterns: {
jan: /^jan(uary)?/i,
feb: /^feb(ruary)?/i,
mar: /^mar(ch)?/i,
apr: /^apr(il)?/i,
may: /^may/i,
jun: /^jun(e)?/i,
jul: /^jul(y)?/i,
aug: /^aug(ust)?/i,
sep: /^sep(t(ember)?)?/i,
oct: /^oct(ober)?/i,
nov: /^nov(ember)?/i,
dec: /^dec(ember)?/i,

sun: /^su(n(day)?)?/i,
mon: /^mo(n(day)?)?/i,
tue: /^tu(e(s(day)?)?)?/i,
wed: /^we(d(nesday)?)?/i,
thu: /^th(u(r(s(day)?)?)?)?/i,
fri: /^fr(i(day)?)?/i,
sat: /^sa(t(urday)?)?/i,

future: /^next/i,
past: /^last|past|prev(ious)?/i,
add: /^(\+|aft(er)?|from|hence)/i,
subtract: /^(\-|bef(ore)?|ago)/i,

yesterday: /^yes(terday)?/i,
today: /^t(od(ay)?)?/i,
tomorrow: /^tom(orrow)?/i,
now: /^n(ow)?/i,

millisecond: /^ms|milli(second)?s?/i,
second: /^sec(ond)?s?/i,
minute: /^mn|min(ute)?s?/i,
hour: /^h(our)?s?/i,
week: /^w(eek)?s?/i,
month: /^m(onth)?s?/i,
day: /^d(ay)?s?/i,
year: /^y(ear)?s?/i,

shortMeridian: /^(a|p)/i,
longMeridian: /^(a\.?m?\.?|p\.?m?\.?)/i,
timezone: /^((e(s|d)t|c(s|d)t|m(s|d)t|p(s|d)t)|((gmt)?\s*(\+|\-)\s*\d\d\d\d?)|gmt|utc)/i,
ordinalSuffix: /^\s*(st|nd|rd|th)/i,
timeContext: /^\s*(\:|a(?!u|p)|p)/i

timezones: [{name:"UTC", offset:"-000"}, {name:"GMT", offset:"-000"}, {name:"EST", offset:"-0500"}, {name:"EDT", offset:"-0400"}, {name:"CST", offset:"-0600"}, {name:"CDT", offset:"-0500"}, {name:"MST", offset:"-0700"}, {name:"MDT", offset:"-0600"}, {name:"PST", offset:"-0800"}, {name:"PDT", offset:"-0700"}]

** Future Strings **
* The following list of strings may not be currently being used, but
* may be incorporated into the Datejs library later.
* We would appreciate any help translating the strings below.
* If you modify this file, please post your revised CultureInfo file
* to the Datejs Forum located at
* Please mark the subject of the post with [CultureInfo]. Example:
* Subject: [CultureInfo] Translated "da-DK" Danish(Denmark)b
* English Name Translated
* ------------------ -----------------
* about about
* ago ago
* date date
* time time
* calendar calendar
* show show
* hourly hourly
* daily daily
* weekly weekly
* bi-weekly bi-weekly
* fortnight fortnight
* monthly monthly
* bi-monthly bi-monthly
* quarter quarter
* quarterly quarterly
* yearly yearly
* annual annual
* annually annually
* annum annum
* again again
* between between
* after after
* from now from now
* repeat repeat
* times times
* per per
* min (abbrev minute) min
* morning morning
* noon noon
* night night
* midnight midnight
* mid-night mid-night
* evening evening
* final final
* future future
* spring spring
* summer summer
* fall fall
* winter winter
* end of end of
* end end
* long long
* short short

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