Generate Zod schemas (v3) from Typescript types/interfaces.
$ yarn add --dev ts-to-zod
$ yarn ts-to-zod src/iDontTrustThisApi.ts src/nowIcanValidateEverything.ts
That's it, go to src/nowIcanValidateEverything.ts
file, you should have all the exported interface
and type
as Zod schemas with the following name pattern: ${originalType}Schema
To make sure the generated zod schemas are 100% compatible with your original types, this tool is internally comparing z.infer<generatedSchema>
and your original type. If you are running on those validation, please open an issue 😀
- Only exported types/interface are tested (so you can have some private types/interface and just exports the composed type)
- Even if this is not recommended, you can skip this validation step with
. (At your own risk!)
This tool supports some JSDoc tags inspired from openapi to generate zod validator.
List of supported keywords:
JSDoc keyword | JSDoc Example | Generated Zod validator |
@minimum {number} |
@minimum 42 |
z.number().min(42) |
@maximum {number} |
@maximum 42 |
z.number().max(42) |
@minLength {number} |
@minLength 42 |
z.string().min(42) |
@maxLength {number} |
@maxLength 42 |
z.string().max(42) |
@format {"email"|"uuid"|"url"} |
@format email |
z.string().email() |
@pattern {regex} |
@pattern ^hello |
z.string().regex(/^hello/) |
Those JSDoc tags can also be combined:
// source.ts
export interface HeroContact {
* The email of the hero.
* @format email
email: string;
* The name of the hero.
* @minLength 2
* @maxLength 50
name: string;
* The phone number of the hero.
* @pattern ^([+]?d{1,2}[-s]?|)d{3}[-s]?d{3}[-s]?d{4}$
phoneNumber: string;
* Does the hero has super power?
* @default true
hasSuperPower?: boolean;
* The age of the hero
* @minimum 0
* @maximum 500
age: number;
// output.ts
export const heroContactSchema = z.object({
* The email of the hero.
* @format email
email: z.string().email(),
* The name of the hero.
* @minLength 2
* @maxLength 50
name: z.string().min(2).max(50),
* The phone number of the hero.
* @pattern ^([+]?d{1,2}[-s]?|)d{3}[-s]?d{3}[-s]?d{4}$
phoneNumber: z.string().regex(/^([+]?d{1,2}[-s]?|)d{3}[-s]?d{3}[-s]?d{4}$/),
* Does the hero has super power?
* @default true
hasSuperPower: z.boolean().default(true),
* The age of the hero
* @minimum 0
* @maximum 500
age: z.number().min(0).max(500),
If you want to customized the schema name or restrict the exported schemas, you can do this by adding a ts-to-zod.config.js
at the root of your project.
Just run yarn ts-to-zod --init
and you will have a ready to use configuration file (with a bit of typesafety).
You have two ways to restrict the scope of ts-to-zod:
will filter by interface/type namejsDocTagFilter
will filter on jsDocTag
// ts-to-zod.config.js
* ts-to-zod configuration.
* @type {import("./src/config").TsToZodConfig}
module.exports = [
name: "example",
input: "example/heros.ts",
output: "example/heros.zod.ts",
jsDocTagFilter: (tags) => =>"toExtract")) // <= rule here
// example/heros.ts
* Will not be part of `example/heros.zod.ts`
export interface Enemy {
name: string;
powers: string[];
inPrison: boolean;
* Will be part of `example/heros.zod.ts`
* @toExtract
export interface Superman {
name: "superman" | "clark kent" | "kal-l";
enemies: Record<string, Enemy>;
age: number;
underKryptonite?: boolean;
/!\ Please note: if your exported interface/type have a reference to a non-exported interface/type, ts-to-zod will not be able to generate anything (a circular dependency will be report due to the missing reference).
Since we are generating Zod schemas, we are limited by what Zod actually supports:
- No type generics
- No complex circular dependencies (you will be warn if you have some in your types)
- No
Record<number, …>
- …
To resume, you can use all the primitive types and some the following typescript helpers:
Record<string, …>
This utils is design to work with one file only, and will reference types from the same file:
// source.ts
export type Id = string;
export interface Hero {
id: Id;
name: string;
// output.ts
export const idSchema = z.string();
export const heroSchema = z.object({
id: idSchema,
name: z.string(),
You need more than one file? Want even more power? No problem, just use the tool as a library.
High-level function:
take asourceText
and generate two file getters
Please have a look to src/core/generate.test.ts
for more examples.
Low-level functions:
help you to generateexport const ${varName} = ${zodImportValue}.object(…)
help you to generateexport type ${aliasName} = ${zodImportValue}.infer<typeof ${zodConstName}>
help you to generate a file comparing the original types & zod types
To learn more about thoses functions or their usages, src/core/generate.ts
is a good starting point.
$ git clone
$ cd ts-to-zod
$ yarn
$ ./bin/run
$ ts-to-zod [input] [output]
You also have plenty of unit tests to play safely:
$ yarn test --watch
And a playground inside example
, buildable with the following command:
$ yarn gen:example
Last note, if you are updating src/config.ts
, you need to run yarn gen:config
to have generate the schemas of the config (src/config.zod.ts
) (Yes, we are using the tool to build itself #inception)
Have fun!