To run it
The Shell.c : Is the main file which has the main function. The utilities folder contains all the utility files and functions.
Execute.c : Contains logic for the categorization of inputs and various other commands like cd , echo , repeat and also a helper functions to other commands.
ls.c : contains the functions for different ls commands and even has a custom function to detect different flags and work on them.
name.c : contains the logic for printing the prompt and the path accounting for tilda.
parser.c : contains the logic for parsing the line inputted into the shell and also contains the necessary steps to implement piping and helper functions to pipe redirection.
processes.c: contains code for the foreground and background processes as well as detecting killing of a child process and other functions regarding the addition of jobs and manipulataion of the jobs linked list.
signals.c: contains the appropriate code for signal handling.
file.c: contains function for I/O file redirections.
list.c: contains function for manipulation of linked lists used for jobs.
This shell in entirety can run various bash commands and even custom made commands like replay(runs a command after a specific interval usage format : "replay -command echo "hi" -interval 3 -period 6"), pinfo which returns the deatils of the process and many more.This shell also supports file redirection and Piping.