fork of google's libaddressinput with the android bits ripped out and the address formatter exposed
violently ripped from to remove all android dependencies and expose the address formatter
removed all android deps
(also removed all tests .. sorry!)
removed all http communication, now bakes in the entire format file
import val formatInterpreter = new FormatInterpreter(new FormOptions.Builder().build()); val US_CA_ADDRESS = (new AddressData.Builder().setCountry("US") .setAdminArea("CA") .setLocality("Mt View") .setAddressLine1("1098 Alta Ave") .setPostalCode("94043") .build()) formatInterpreter.getEnvelopeAddress(US_CA_ADDRESS) // res0: java.util.List[String] = [1098 Alta Ave, Mt View CA 94043] val TW_ADDRESS = (new AddressData.Builder().setCountry("TW") .setAdminArea("\u53F0\u5317\u5E02") // Taipei city .setLocality("\u5927\u5B89\u5340") // Da-an district .setAddressLine1("Sec. 3 Hsin-yi Rd.") .setPostalCode("106") .setOrganization("Giant Bike Store") .setRecipient("Mr. Liu") .build()) formatInterpreter.getEnvelopeAddress(TW_ADDRESS) // res1: java.util.List[String] = [106, 台北市大安區, Sec. 3 Hsin-yi Rd., Giant Bike Store, Mr. Liu] // the zh-Latn here is a weird and awful hack val TW_ADDRESS2 = (new AddressData.Builder().setCountry("TW") .setAdminArea("\u53F0\u5317\u5E02") // Taipei city .setLocality("\u5927\u5B89\u5340") // Da-an district .setAddressLine1("Sec. 3 Hsin-yi Rd.") .setPostalCode("106") .setOrganization("Giant Bike Store") .setRecipient("Mr. Liu") .setLanguageCode("zh-Latn") .build()) formatInterpreter.getEnvelopeAddress(TW_ADDRESS2) // res5: java.util.List[String] = [Mr. Liu, Giant Bike Store, Sec. 3 Hsin-yi Rd., 大安區, 台北市 106]
val verifier = new StandardAddressVerifier(new FieldVerifier(new LocalDataSource())) val problems = new AddressProblems() verifier.verify(TW_ADDRESS2, problems)
val BR_ADDRESS = (new AddressData.Builder().setCountry("BR") .setAdminArea("Brazil doesn't really use") .setLocality("Rio De Janeiro") .setAddressLine1("Rua Gal Urquisa 71") .setPostalCode("22431-040") .build()) verifier.verify(BR_ADDRESS, problems) println(problems) // {ADMIN_AREA=UNKNOWN_VALUE} val fixedAddressBuilder = new AddressData.Builder(BR_ADDRESS) formatInterpreter.getEnvelopeAddress(BR_ADDRESS) problems.getProblems import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ problems.getProblems.foreach({case (field, problem) => { fixedAddressBuilder.set(field, null) }}) formatInterpreter.getEnvelopeAddress(
// res25: java.util.List[String] = [Rua Gal Urquisa 71, Rio De Janeiro-, 22431-040] // groan, why does it include the "-"? formatInterpreter.getEnvelopeAddress(, true) // res26: java.util.List[String] = [Rua Gal Urquisa 71, Rio De Janeiro] // groan, why does forcing lating script cut off the postcode?