- Washington, D.C.
- https://harshitaachadha.github.io/
harshitaachadha.github.io Public
06/2023 - updated portfolio forked from academicpages.github.io
HTML MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2024 -
Semester long project for graduate level Software Engineering Course to Gather Client Requirements and design comprehensive technical documentation for V&V tool
UpdatedMay 26, 2024 -
DO101-apps Public
Forked from RedHatTraining/DO101-appsJavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 27, 2024 -
Using Ensemble Learning (Gradient and AdaBoost stacked model) and text analytics techniques (NER, sentiment analysis, etc) to predict TV series' ratings from text scripts.
text-mining data-mining sentiment-analysis named-entity-recognition ensemble-learning text-analyticsJupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 3, 2023 -
Using CLIPS to create a rule based expert system to navigate Zones 1,2 of the London tube map.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 17, 2023 -
Data-Mining-in-Archeology Public
Using KModes clustering, silhouette analysis, fuzzy string matching, association rule mining, and random forest classifier to to unveil the patterns found in ancient artefacts.
Revisiting data visualization concepts/plots
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 6, 2023 -
merakilab.github.io Public
Forked from merakilab/merakilab.github.ioRevamped website for our research group at meraki lab
SCSS UpdatedJun 15, 2023 -
agricode Public
Research project to study the impact of novel clustering based WBAN protocol in the real world. The results of the study are promising and indicative of an approximately 38% reduction in water cons…
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 14, 2023 -
Recurrent-Rhapsody Public
A bidirectional LSTM, Vanilla RNN, and S-BERT based pipeline for song generation (complementary lyrics-backing track combination)
Clustering based neighbourhood recommendation system from scratch in Python for people looking to relocate.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 25, 2023 -
Django web application developed in collaboration with Edit10's Harsh kaushik as part of a 3 month internship with India's Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
6-Months-Data-Science-Roadmap- Public
Forked from krishnaik06/6-Months-Data-Science-Roadmap-GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 11, 2023 -
Fortune telling AI created using python's NLTK and driven by data scrapes from NY times and r/astrologyreadings
Scalnet7 Public
Convolutional Neural Network for detecting Schizophrenia in adolescents using Wavelet Transforms plots of EEG signals.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 31, 2022 -
MLprep Public
Forked from khangich/machine-learning-interviewMachine Learning Interviews from FAANG, Snapchat, LinkedIn. I have offers from Snapchat, Coupang, Stitchfix etc. Blog: mlengineer.io.
UpdatedMay 11, 2022 -
Tutorial webinar held at the Google Developer Clubs, MAIT
CV-Heart-Rate-Detection Public
Heart Rate Detection from Video Frames
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 3, 2021 -
Scrape_pharmacy_data Public
Jupyter Notebook Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 2, 2021 -
coursera-deep-learning-specialization Public
Forked from amanchadha/coursera-deep-learning-specializationNotes, programming assignments and quizzes from all courses within the Coursera Deep Learning specialization offered by deeplearning.ai: (i) Neural Networks and Deep Learning; (ii) Improving Deep N…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 3, 2021 -
The project was created as a part of the final requirement for the completion of the IBM professional certification as offered on coursera. It leverages the Foursquare API as well as the US college…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 8, 2020 -
data-science-question-answer Public
Forked from jayinai/data-science-question-answerA repo for data science related questions and answers
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2020