- Pro
django-oauth-toolkit Public
Forked from jazzband/django-oauth-toolkitOAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
Python Other UpdatedMay 21, 2019 -
Animal-Recognition-Flask Public
In this website, user upload image of any animal and our algorithm say name and information about that animal.
CSS UpdatedNov 19, 2018 -
EGVC Public
Event website for registration and other purposes , created for college event EGVC(Eco-Green Vehicle Challenge 2016-17) which takes place at National level.
ASP UpdatedNov 19, 2018 -
Remind-Me Public
The project was basically a general purpose reminder applications which can be customizes as per our need.
Java UpdatedNov 19, 2018 -
Society-Management-System Public
Basically we are trying to resolve issues which currently we are facing as a society member while living in society.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 19, 2018 -
Research-Paper Public
It is a website in which user can submit their paper, expert will review it and then admin will publish that paper.
HTML UpdatedNov 19, 2018