Working from home
Tankyu LLC.
- Tokyo, Japan
- https://www.unixuser.org/~haruyama/
- @haruyama
A simple and portable single file AV1 OBU parser written in mostly C89 with a tiny bit of C99, with a permissive license.
Posts wercker build status to a Slack channel
Ruby driver for httperf - automated load and performance testing
an implementation of a solr function query using scala
an improved version of lucene-gosen(https://code.google.com/p/lucene-gosen/)
haruyama / gtags.vim
Forked from vim-scripts/gtags.vimIntegrates GNU GLOBAL source code tag system with VIM.
comment lines in a program
haruyama / node_clutch_sample
Forked from sowawa/node_samplenodejs sample application.